How can disabled people achieve home ownership?

Jodie01 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
I've been unable to work or complete education full time since becoming unwell when I was about 9 years old.
I'm trying really hard to save and have enough income to be able to own a home or achieve a mortgage, or even to spend on things I need like a newer car.
Benefits penalise you for having any savings, is there any help I can get to supplement my income but also allow me to save?
I understand that people always say things like "well the governments not going to pay for you to own your own home" but I find it very heartbreaking to think the only reason I cant own a house is due to me having a disability.


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,617 Championing
    edited June 2021
    Jodie01 said:
    I understand that people always say things like "well the governments not going to pay for you to own your own home" but I find it very heartbreaking to think the only reason I cant own a house is due to me having a disability.
    The daft thing there is that they'll pay much more in rent over your lifetime than a mortgage on an equivalent property would have been!

    I don't think there is any way to own a home on benefits though.  Unless you inherit one of course.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    Welcome to the community @Jodie01 :) Thanks for joining.

    I've moved your post into our housing category- I hope that's okay!

    You might like to read this article from the Money Advice Service on getting a mortgage if you're ill or disabled. You're not the only person we've had wondering about the possibility of buying a house whilst in receipt of benefits, so you're definitely not alone in feeling this way. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    It's like catch 22 I'm afraid ic you save for house purchase your benefits will stop when you hit threshold and also the difficulty of getting a mortgage 

    Don't know the solution I'm afraid