Nervous about Pip assesment on tuesday

kaishalewis Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
edited June 2021 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Have my pip assesment phone call on tuesday and im already so nervous about it have wrote done as much info that i can think of but still worried i have forgotten something or i wont have enough time to say what i need to say ?‍♀️X


  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Online Community Member Posts: 530 Empowering
    Bless you! It is a big thing I worked myself up loads! But I did do one thing that helped me a little bit? May sound silly or extra simple but I wrote on a piece of paper in large red letters things like "remember to breathe" ? And "stop" as I need to remind myself to slow down my brain and thinking a bit if possible? Or it all comes out muddled up! Oh "slow down" and also the main one that helped me while I was on the call was... If its meant to be it will be? Because I have to again remind myself that in a lot of situations not always managed it in time! But I try! I don't know if any of this is helpful but it helped me because my head and mouth run away with me when I'm anxious? Some people go the opposite way I know but for me it races and I don't always remember what I've said and it's scary! Obviously the words will probably be different for you but just thought it may help a bit when on the call to catch the anxiety before it goes past the point of no return if you know what I mean? Hope it goes well Tuesday hun good luck and stay safe ???
  • kaishalewis
    kaishalewis Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    Thankyou for your reply and words of advice like you i tend to rush my words out so im
    gonna make sure i go slowly and say what i need to x
  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Online Community Member Posts: 530 Empowering
    Oh and you will have time I was on there for over 2 and a half hours so take your time and just tell your truth? It's all you can do! It's talking about something you already know? We live with this stuff daily so it's nothing scary or new really it's just telling them what we already know  but sometimes our heads have  us build it all up into a mahoosive mountain of poop! Brains are a funny thing we can talk ourselves in and out of so many situations! Il shut up now good luck again not that you need it! ??
  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Online Community Member Posts: 530 Empowering
    Oh one last thing please don't beat yourself up if you do end up getting overly anxious etc on the call they know how anxiety can affect people so they will probably be expecting it? I beat myself up for days after because I said stuff too fast or answered things but didn't give enough information blah blah blah it never helps me! So that's my words of wisdom for the week or month lol seriously you will be fine! Xx
  • kaishalewis
    kaishalewis Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Best of luck for Tuesday @kaishalewis :) Having notes written down is a good idea, as are the bits of advice Emilyb81 has given you above. 

    Remember that you can also have someone sitting with you, if that would make you feel less anxious? You can also always ask them to repeat a question if you didn't catch it, or if you don't understand what they're saying.
  • kaishalewis
    kaishalewis Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    thankyou for your advice im worried that they wont let me explain every descriptor question fully as i have a lot more written down for assesment than i had on form x
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    They might feel as though they have enough information on some of the descriptors, compared to others which they might want to ask more questions on @kaishalewis. Take your time and explain as best you can. If you don't get the award you feel you're entitled to, you can always appeal.
  • kaishalewis
    kaishalewis Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    Thankyou xx