Referal for Autism man aged 55

3PARKWAY3 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
edited June 2021 in Work
Hi everyone, and thank you for the lovely introductions, much appreciated!

My father died in December from Cancer. He was my mentor in a way. He told me I could cope with anything.  I have been 'different' all my life and never understood why I never married or did 'normal' things that other people my age had got around to.

To cut a long story short, I had trouble with my UC, and so I had to take Reconsideration to enable me to get LCW(Limited Capability for Work)...The Health questioning was very upsetting and I basically had some panic attacks and am currently on Beta blockers. I eventually managed to get LCW, based on my prescriptions and GP help.

I feel I need to get further help, but don't know who to turn to. I am unable to get the confidence in finding work and getting back into the ratrace. The Pandemic has not helped in any way, and made it almost impossible for me to get back into that 'find work' mode.

Any help appreciated, Thank you everyone !


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,452 Championing
    Hi @3PARKWAY3 :) 

    Am I right in thinking that your main question here is around getting back into work? 

    If so, have you ever looked into Scope's employment services? They can help you to get back into employment, and work out what steps you need to take. 

    Do you feel as though you need any other support, such as support at home? I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your father. How have you been coping? Have you spoken to anyone about how you've been feeling about it?
    3PARKWAY3 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected

    yes I am currently using that help. It has been very useful, but I feel I need to build my confidence and am lacking the social skills to make the move to get back to employment...this is why I have entered this community. Every time I go out I suffer from panic attacks and can only function within my comfort zone...

    I will take time to listen to other people with similar problems. I must admit there isn’t loads of help for someone my age.  I hope this changes soon..
    3PARKWAY3 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    Yes, I do need some help, as the Referal could take years. I feel I need some help that at the moment is completely lacking. Its more importtant I get my confidence back.   I just don't know what free services there are that can help me. Scope was one of the services that the DWP told me about. Scopes employment service has been good so far, but I have already got a great CV
    and Cover letter, but I was interested about the 'Disability Friendly Employers' and this has geared me up slightly to steer my job search in that direction.  Thank you
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,452 Championing
    I'm glad you're already in touch with one of our employment services @3PARKWAY3, and that they've been helpful :) 

    If you're not coping well at home, you could ask for a needs assessment. You can do so by visiting this page and entering your address, which will take you to your local authority's website.

    Are you accessing any mental health support at the moment? That could help you to cope a bit more whilst you wait to move through the referral process.

    It's good that you're using the online community to improve your social skills. Have you considered volunteering? That could help you to increase your confidence in working with other people, and to get out of the house a bit more.
    3PARKWAY3 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    Hi thank you

    I can’t mix physically or go out into crowds. That starts my panic attacks and I get overwhelmed with emotions and have a meltdown. I perform well at home in my comfort zone. 

    I am desperate to find mental support whilst waiting for my referral the gp cannot recommend anyone I do get lots of information from the national autism society online and get a monthly magazine 
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    edited June 2021
    Hello @3PARKWAY3 how are you doing today?

    I'm sorry you've been experiencing panic attacks and anxiety.  I can really empathise, it isn't nice at all.  When you say you're awaiting a referral, is this to a local mental health team or Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)? If it's not the latter, you can self-refer to IAPT via the hyperlink given and you will be assessed as to whether any treatment may help i.e. counselling, CBT, etc.  Due to the pandemic, most appointments are taking place over the telephone or online, so you wouldn't have to leave your home.

    There are some organisations that you can speak to about your anxiety, if ever you want to talk.  These are:
    Whilst, you might also find MIND's self-care for anxiety webpage handy too.

    Are you managing to get shopping ok?  Please do give the needs assessment mentioned by @Tori_Scope some thought, as this will be able to identify any support you need with your daily life.

    In addition to this, there are lots of volunteering opportunities you can do from home, online.  You can search Do-it's volunteering database to see what's available :)

    Take care and I hope you have a lovely weekend.  
    3PARKWAY3 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    Thank you very much, there is alot to go through there !  I will work my way through them on the internet.  I have also phoned my local GP today, to ask if there is someone I can talk to regarding mental health. I need something to latch onto every week, but it just isn't happening at the moment !  I do keep busy with my hobbies and house work for my mother. I don't want to impose any problems onto my mum, as she has also been through alot since Dad died.  Its her time to get better aswell, and I will support her as much as I can !

    When I get low, I stay away from mum, and cope quietly in my room...

    Thanks for your ongoing support !
    3PARKWAY3 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    I have been refered to a York Clinic, which specialises in Autism. I received a letter saying my first appointment will happen in up to 2 years time.
    3PARKWAY3 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    I have had a history of ASD, and I am desperate to get diagnosed. I do understand that there is specific help I can get then . I can also 'self diagnose' if I need to...before I get the official assessment
    3PARKWAY3 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    I have also emailed jo at Samaritons, he may be able to point me a direction !
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,452 Championing
    Getting a diagnosis can take a while unfortunately @3PARKWAY3. It's good that you're looking to access some mental health support in the meantime, as it shouldn't take as long to be able to access mental health support on the NHS (although it can still take many months). 

    Samaritans are a listening service, so they tend not to make suggestions but rather help you explore how you're feeling. They might be able to talk things through with you though, so it's definitely good that you took the step of reaching out to them!
    3PARKWAY3 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    Hi. I spoke to my local GP, who has suggested I join I.A.P.T North Yorkshire. They offer free councelling and support. I must admit, I hadn't heard of them. I have 'Self refered' and should hear back within 2 weeks!

    Those that ask usually find !