Somerset Wheelchair Services

JustJulie Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
Hello to all, I am currently applying for a Personal Wheelchair Budget and Somerset Wheelchair Services (Millbrook) have been disgraceful throughout.  They constantly tell me things, then deny later. Help and compassion for my needs is being totally ignored.  I have requested the eligibility criteria for a chair and they are refusing to show this to me.  I am now complaining to the CCG but I am interested to know if other people are as unlucky as me or if I have just been unfortunate?

Thanks Julie 


  • atlas47
    atlas47 Online Community Member Posts: 237 Empowering
    Hi @JustJulie

    A very warm welcome.

    I have to say you have been treated badly.

    My sister in law, is an Assistant OT, she deals with existing and new users.

    She is based in the community and assesses for best type of wheel chair.

    Because of COVID-19 there has been a backlog, but nothing too much.

    You should have been assessed by an OT and the chair should have ordered.

    Of note, if you do not want the chair recommended, they should offer you a voucher to enable you to source your own.

    Keep on at the CCG and have a word with PALS, for them to assist you.

    Keep us informed.
  • JustJulie
    JustJulie Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Will do, thank you for your comments.  I have already contacted PALS and they were lovely, but sadly still no response from CCG.  My next step will be reporting them to the ICO and see if they get anywhere with it 

    Thanks Julie 
  • WPM
    WPM Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    @JustJulie Sorry to hear that. 

    sadly this is what happens when NHS services are privatised. 
    Private companies work for profit and get rid of experienced NHS staff. 

    I would recommend that you chase the CCGs via PALS very  couple of weeks until you get a satisfactory answer. 

    CCGs need to know how the private company they have handed over patient care too to save money, are treating people.