Mandatory reconsideration

Emilyb81 Community member Posts: 530 Empowering
Hiya just a quick question (will probably end up being huge lol) but I had a review telephone assessment for pip in February and in March I got a decision saying they had stopped all my pip award I'd previously been on for 10+ years so I am currently awaiting a decision for mandatory reconsideration? My question is about my esa... Because I lost the pip I also got letter from esa straight away stating because of a change in my circumstances they have changed the amount of money il be getting? Basically I lost severe disability premium? And I know if I do happen to get a positive response about the pip MR I am again going to be entitled to the premium too but I am just wondering if the esa will automatically be changed back? Or am I supposed to then do a separate MR for the sdp too? I mean they took it away the same day automatically so I'm hoping I haven't got to go through another gawd knows how many months waiting for the sdp too? ????‍♀️


  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Community member Posts: 530 Empowering
    Or should I be putting another MR together and sending to esa  ASAP? 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited June 2021
    You don’t have to do an MR to get the SDP back. The decision to stop it is correct because your PIP had stopped. If the Daily Living PIP is reinstated you simply ring ESA and ask them to add the SDP back and they will (including backdating).
  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Community member Posts: 530 Empowering
    OK thankyou @calcotti
    just popped into my head I hadn't even considered the esa situation! Been so busy focusing on the pip? But that's a relief anyway! Thank you for your reply! I now realise I can't have the sdp without the pip daily living but I just didn't know until after it all stopped and was a bit of a shock all at one time :smile: but nearly got my head around it all now sort of lol take care!