MRI scan



  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    HanzRolo said:

    GP is like Fort Knox
    Lol - same here, great analogy
  • Sparklebright63
    Sparklebright63 Scope Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    Hi to all,
    I went last week to hospital from when i lost my balance and fractured my left wrist on the17th of April this year.
    The doctor asked how i was and i said not good as i am still having no feeling in my hands and keep dropping things i was sent for an MRI scan i was told i have spinal stenosis in my neck & spine spinal cord narrowing in both places been in hospital for nearly a week ? and using crutches to get around i am going to be speaking to the neurologist 18th of august and have other things to help phyisio
    Swimming hydrotherapy pain clinic rest exercsises ect i might need an operation at a later date if it gets worse i am getting pain in my leg when walking aswell.

  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,443 Championing
    I'm sorry to hear that you've been in hospital for a week or so @Sparklebright63. Have you been coping okay?

    Although I'm sure a new diagnosis must be difficult to deal with, do you feel better for knowing what's been causing the numbness? 

    It sounds as though there are quite a few treatment options available to you, which is good :) Are you feeling positive about your appointment with the neurologist on the 18th?
  • Sparklebright63
    Sparklebright63 Scope Member Posts: 171 Contributor
    Hi Tori Scope,

    I am hopefully going to get some answers on the 18th i have another MRI on the 7th of August in Sheffield so will see what they Say after that one.
    What i dont understand is why its taken the Nhs so long to try to find out where all my problems are comming from and what else i need to do about them.
    I have had all these issues for 25 years thats like a quater of my life to be in so much Pain ect its not good enough......
    I will let you know when i have more answers.
    I have to go to the Respiratory Clinic in the Morning.

  • gaz1960
    gaz1960 Community member Posts: 292 Empowering
    Just recieved confirmation of appointment with a neurosurgeon,about my MRI scans, a few weeks ago,and it will be a "phone appointment " in a years time,in 2022! 
    How can a neurosurgeon treat anybody on a phone call! 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,425 Championing
    Sorry to hear that @gaz1960 - & it seems like a dreadfully long wait to get results. The neurosurgeon surely could look at your MRI scans & discuss them with you quicker than this, or write.
    My son & I have yearly echocardiograms (which was delayed because of the pandemic). Normally we see the Consultant cardiologist the same day, but had been told beforehand that he would check them, & we'd either have a phone appointment or he would write to us. We both got a letter a couple of weeks later.