PIP claim has been sent to SAM's (Service Assurance Manager)

asaali Community member Posts: 3 Listener
Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone could help me, since December 2020 my mothers health has become worse, she even lost her job due to incapacity and has been awarded LCWRA, she already has a PIP claim from 2 years ago, where she was awarded standard rate, 8 points daily living and 4 points mobility.

We also applied for a reassessment of PIP, we had a telephone assessment about a month ago and we have actually seen the assessors report and honestly we are both shocked, she has received the same amount of points even though so much has changed in her life, physically and mentally. 

The assessors justifications just seemed nonsensical. e.g mum uses a walking stick for support so she must be able to cook for herself. 

During the telephone assessment, she barely asked us any relevant questions also. She also twisted our words and actually falsified answers to the assessments questions. 

I called PIP immediately and spoke to a case manager and he wrote down notes of concern etc and also attached her LCWRA assessors report to her PIP claim because even he stated major conflicts in the assessments. 

During the week we found out that mums claim has been sent to SAM's (Service Assurance Manager) but couldn't give us much detail about it.

I am just wondering has anyone else been in a similar situation or can give us some further information in regards to this.

Thanks in advance 


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    I've not come across this before but I would assume it is being reviewed at higher level due to the concerns you have raised 

    Let us know the outcome 
  • asaali
    asaali Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you ? 

    yes, I was thinking the same but they can’t tell me any information about it .. in regards to timescale or anything like that. Looks like it will be a long wait.

    I will do. 
  • mummyof9
    mummyof9 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi, I'm lorna, I too have been treated unfairly, my award notice came in yesterday, I scored 10 for daily living and 4 for mobility, I have osteoarthritis and lymphodema, I use a stick now and can hardly walk and in constant pain. I'm going to appeal with a letter from me, my husband and our 2 daughters. Is there anyone who can help me on here thanks
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    What sort of help are you looking for 

    Look in our pip section lots of info about appealing or ask if you have any specific questions 

    You could also get in touch with welfare rights to help you
  • mummyof9
    mummyof9 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    I think I should get mobility, I didn't know if an organisation could help me, I'll go have a look in your pip section thanks
  • asaali
    asaali Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Have you tried citizens advice or anywhere like that? There’s sometimes a citizen advice representative at your GP who can help with filling out forms and advice.