Anyone dealing with anger issues due to pain ?

natz2009 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
Hi i was just wondering if anyone had anger issues with there chronic pain im finding it increasingly difficult to not get angry as im in pain n im not sure what to do about it any advice is appriceated thank you x


  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Sorry to read that your pain is causing you to feel angry @natz2009

    Do you have any coping techniques that help to calm your mood? If I'm ever getting irritated or worked up about something I find that listening to music or watching a nice film helps me to relax and take my mind off things. What do you enjoy doing? 
  • natz2009
    natz2009 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    I clean i call it my rage clean lol but this then makes my pain worse so sometimes it seems lile im going round n round on a merry go lol i keep it to myself but lately seems to be harder n harder to hold in i am going to speak with my gp tomorrow as i dont want it getting out of hand i have 5 kids so getting some chill time or me time is a struggle sometimes so rather than sit angry i clean and usually i am calm by the time im done xx
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Rage clean? :D That's funny, but I'm glad it helps you @natz2009 :) 

    Yes, speaking with your GP sounds like a super idea, hopefully they will be able to advise. 

    Take care
  • natz2009
    natz2009 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Thank you @Ross_Scope yeah my sister laughs when i tell her im doing a rage clean lol well least i can put a smile on ppls face lol n yeah just getting a bit to handle now so deffo need a chat with the gp i think it nackers me out so in turn i dont have energy to be angrey anymore lol x
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    That makes sense @natz2009. Please do speak to your GP, and let us know how you get on. 5 kids- what a handful! Are they at school yet?
  • natz2009
    natz2009 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Will do @Tori_Scope trying to get an appointment is rediculas with my gp surgery im currently sat with really bad chest infection dont matter there fully booked :( n yeah all apart from my youngest she is 3 4 boys 1 girl lol there dad picks them up n drops them off witch i am really gratefull for x
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    I think many of us can empathise with having difficulty getting an appointment with the GP @natz2009 :( Is there a time that's best to call, such as first thing in the morning? 
  • Happy_Girl
    Happy_Girl Online Community Member Posts: 2 Connected
    Yes I seem to be more angry and snap a lot easier than I used to. I have talked to my partner and my son and explained it's my pain that's making me how I am and I'm lucky they understand and don't take it personally. I'm now with the pain clinic so hoping they can help with it. Try not to feel guilty about it just maybe explain to your loved ones it's not them it's the pain your in. Hope you get some help x
  • natz2009
    natz2009 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Ty i try and explain end up in tears but my kids are very mature for there age and very understanding ty at least i know im not the only one :) xxxx