Leap review success under new case law MH

sandyp196 Community member Posts: 142 Empowering
edited July 2021 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hello i wanted to share (in the hope it helps others) that yesterday i won my appeal under the case law for mental health. The leap review decided my 2018 assessment was scored incorrectly regarding the points for following journeys (i have severe agarophobia and social anxiety). I scored 4 points at my 2018 assessment for planning and following journeys.
On the advice from CAB i contacted the dwp last december 2020 when i realised i hadnt been sent a letter about the reviews and i had recently moved house. I was worried i would get missed as i could see many people were getting letters and i hadnt.  They were very offhand with me when i phoned so i didnt really have much hope that i would be eligible.
I thought it was a total long shot but one worth taking as it doesnt pose any risk to a current award. 
 I  still cant believe what happened.
I hear nothing more until monday this week when i got a phone call from dwp leap team.
My 2018 assesment has been reviewed and points were added by the leap team, I will now automatically go on the rate i should have been pointed in 2018 and my award has been extended for 3 years from yesterdays date. 
 I will also be reimbursed the money i would have recieved if my 2018 assessment had been scored accurately based on the evidence and information i had provided.
I hope this gives hope to others who have been scored innacurately under mental health difficulty regarding planning and following journeys. 
This is life changing for me. Im still processing it all. 
