I was owed over £700 from PIP. However I think this has been used to pay off debt- is this allowed?

dezzi111 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited December 2021 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I was owed over £700 from pip im on universal credit but just received a letter saying I was owed over £700 in benefits which I presume is pip as I have just been awarded higher on there but letter also states they have took that out of the money which is outstanding of money I owe which I have been paying out of my universal credit thought they can’t touch pip money ?


  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @dezzi111

    Welcome to the community, how are you? 

    It's quite common for them to send a claim to debt management to see if there is any money that needs recovering. 
  • loubylou1511
    loubylou1511 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Connected
    Hi @dezzi111,

    Unfortunately they can and they will, including disability payments.

    There are two factors two consider:

    When the DWP decide you have been overpaid or owe them a debt etc:

    Its because they think the claimant has made a misrepresentation ie you didn’t declare something or you had savings etc.

    They other option is that they have made a mistake and you were unaware of this mistake.

    Unfortunately, the onus is you you to prove that they have made a mistake.

    My advice would be to write to them and ask them for a copy in writing of what it is they/ you are disputing.

    Whilst doing so you can ask them to reduce the “debt” repayments as it will cause you severe hardship whilst you find out exactly what’s went on.

    I hope this helps. 
  • LeeA380
    LeeA380 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Connected
    I took out an early payment of UC totally around £400. I am quite happy to pay that off at £17 per month from my planned UC instalments. 

    Now that I have been awarded PIP, does that UC pre-payment count as debt then?