keen on metting people



  • Clidaras2021
    Clidaras2021 Community member Posts: 41 Listener
    sorry i havent been online for a long time,ive been doing volunteering work at gloucester quays helping around at the cafe working for free ive been helping around making sure all the tables are cleaned and sannitized.ive also been making sure everything is neat and tidy picking up any litter and filling up fridges with drinks and making sure theres enough icecreams in the freezer
  • Clidaras2021
    Clidaras2021 Community member Posts: 41 Listener
    my mom also signed me up for hitz so ive been doing a course at  the gloucestershire rugby stadium.i started the course on the 6th of september so the program will finish on the 17th of december. Matt who i got to meet at the stadium has been teaching me maths and english  and i learnt about skeletal body and skeletal muscles and i did a national assignment today on maths and english. And through the program i will also be doing exams and work experience, and ive also been doing team building and doing sport, playing cricket and ya
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    @Clidaras2021 Wow, it sounds like you've been super busy doing lots of fun activities!  Which is your favourite sport so far?
  • Clidaras2021
    Clidaras2021 Community member Posts: 41 Listener
    Hey sorry I havent been online for so long ive been really busy with my course so far ive completed a whole month at the course . Ive still got 3 months left to finish the course. Ive also been doing maths and english . Since ive been doing the course ive been learning about ratio , fractions and positive and negative numbers.Ive also been learning how to do boxing and ive been doing all type of sports running,beep tests,push ups, flexibility, and sit ups.My favourite sport so far is cricket.