Research Study: How do caregivers support health-related behaviours of individuals with LD during Co

MarTarBCU Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

Hi everyone,

My name is Marcella Tarantini, and I am completing my MSc in Health Psychology at Birmingham City University (BCU). I am currently working on my research project, which investigates how the Pandemic has impacted health-related behaviours of individuals with LD, such as eating behaviours, sleeping routine, physical activity, and the barriers and facilitators perceived by their caregivers to support them. This study intends to increase awareness around the struggles faced by individuals with LD and their carers and highlight areas where support is needed.

I hope that giving carers the opportunity to talk about their experiences in caring for individuals with LD will help develop useful strategies and advice to safeguard and promote their equality.

Could you please help me to make contact with caregivers of individuals with LD who may be willing to take part in my research. The study consists of a brief online questionnaire to collect some demographic data and an online one-to-one interview on Microsoft Teams that should be no longer than 45 minutes.

The research project has received ethical approval from the BCU ethics committee (ref.9336) and is supervised by Dr Mei Yee Tang (

To participate, the participant needs to fulfil all criteria below:

·        Be 18 years old or over

·        Be the main carer of an individual with a diagnosis of Learning Disability that is 18 years old or over

·        They both need to be living within the same household in the UK

·        Have access to Microsoft Teams and be willing to have the interview audio-recorded.

Healthcare professionals who are looking after an individual with Learning Disability within a community context, e.g. supported house living, care homes, learning disabilities services, cannot participate.

All participants will be asked to provide a personal identifier code which will be used during all stages of the study. They will receive some forms to sign prior to their participation in the study where they will find the instructions on how to anonymise their data.

If you are interested or know someone who might be willing to participate in this study, please send an email to

Thank you for considering taking part in this study.


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing

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