PIP tribunal award coming to and end. Re applied but what next?

CJ61 Community member Posts: 70 Contributor
I won my PIP tribunal and was awarded it untiil 21st Sept and so have 1 or 2 payments left. The C.A.B were fantastic in helping me back then and again this time when I got the forms. As I was awarded by the Tribunal my claim is now being treated as a new claim. Apparently this is how it is done now??? Does anybody have experience or knowledge of this please?
I sent them all the forms and evidence as requested. I have been diagnosed with additional health problems since I won with the Tribunal, namely, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, BPPV and Vertigo, Degenerative spine issues and a trapped ulna nerve. (oh lucky me.....NOT!!!) These things have seriously affected my ability to function properly in my daily life and my mobility has really taken a hit. I am under the pain clinics care and also Adult Social Care now which is all new. I have also been referred for urgent trauma and Ideation assessment.
I am currently (until Sept) on Basic daily living and the 1st tier of Mobility. Although the lovely lady at the C.A.B cant say or guarantee in any way the outcome of the upcoming assessment she says that in her experience I will have moved up a tier in both sections. I just dont trust the DWP anymore and Im not sure Ill cope with Mandatory Reconsideration and Tribunal again.
I have a couple of questions I hope somebody can help me with.
Will I definately still have to have a face to face assessment? My doctor asked for a home visit. Im hoping it would be on the phone in preference as the last time the DWP came to my house it was awful and the woman blatantly lied! The Tribunal obviously believed me thank goodness.
Considering my award is ending soon how long is the wait for assessments and of course most importantly will they just stop paying me on the 21st September if I have not been assessed by then? This really doent seem fair if that is the case. My income will halve, I will get into debt and no longer be able to pay for the help I need at the moment, ie cutting my grass and cleaning my home.
I'd really appreciate any input anybody can give me. thank you.


  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    Remember that PIP is not awarded on the basis of diagnosis, so what you need to do is explain in detail what happens when you attempt each activity described in the descriptors, and also give 2 real world examples for each. You need to make sure you can show what the impact is when you attempt those. Factor in too whether you can do these to an acceptable standard, repeatedly and in a timely manner. 

    I believe they have started face to face assessments again so it could be the case you are asked. If that is the case then you could possibly ask for a telephone assessment, I know they are trying to offer a choice now. 

    It’s taking about 10 months on average for a claim from starting that initial phone call to a decision made, although it can be quicker and longer in some areas. 

    If the end date passes and a decision hasn’t been made then yeah it will stop because that is the end of that award period, you would be backdated to the original phone call date if awarded again. 
  • CJ61
    CJ61 Community member Posts: 70 Contributor
    Oh dear. not what I was hoping for but Thank you MarkN88.