ESA and getting married.

Butterfliess Community member Posts: 87 Contributor

I’m getting married on Saturday and am wondering if anyone can help me answer some of my questions.

currently I claim ESA Contribution based support group, PIP and universal credits. My partner and I are on a joint claim for universal credits as we live together. My partner works and this is taken into account when we get out universal credits each month.

My worry is, will this effect my ESA Claim? I am on contribution based and i have been told that this will not be affected by my partners income ect and this shows as has never changed since we moved in together and they where added to my universal credit claim.
but does marriage effect that as we then become one?

also will it effect other benefits such as universal credits and pip. Just need to be aware so that once we are married I can tell the correct people.

Really appreciate any help ☺️


  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited August 2021
    As you already live together getting married makes absolutely no difference to your benefit entitlement.
  • Butterfliess
    Butterfliess Community member Posts: 87 Contributor
    So being married will not effect my ESA at all?
    yes we are living together And all benefits know of this. I just wondered if I would have my esa stopped because of marriage?
  • Butterfliess
    Butterfliess Community member Posts: 87 Contributor
    Thankyou so much , I am super nervous ? x
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    So being married will not effect my ESA at all?
    As already advised, no it will not.
  • Butterfliess
    Butterfliess Community member Posts: 87 Contributor
    ok Thankyou, another quick question is not sure if you will know the answer but worth a shot.

    I am keeping my last name, would this still require me to tell DWP of my marriage? Its all rather confusing of who I need to inform considering I am not changing my name.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    You should tell them - but it will not change your benefit entitlement.
  • Butterfliess
    Butterfliess Community member Posts: 87 Contributor
    Thankyou so much, so although I am not changing my name I need to give jobcenter a call and let them know I have got married?
    As for universal credit can this be done online via the journal?
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited August 2021
    Thankyou so much, so although I am not changing my name I need to give jobcenter a call and let them know I have got married?
    As for universal credit can this be done online via the journal?
    That’s what the guidance says. Having said that, if you don’t I can't see that there are any consequences as it doesn’t affect your benefits.
    Yes you can use your UC journal,
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,381 Championing
    Hi @Butterfliess - hope calcotti's replies have reassured you, & just adding my best wishes to woodbine's in wishing both you & your soon to be spouse a wonderful day.
  • Butterfliess
    Butterfliess Community member Posts: 87 Contributor
    Ok, I guess it’s maybe best to just give them a call once married. I think my fear is they will assume that I need reassessing because i have got married. The thought of going through that really is difficult. PIP reassessment are awful, an esa and universal credit one at the same time would be really hard for me too handle.

    Thankyou so much, I am a lucky girl to have such a supportive partner. Doesn’t stop the nerves though ? really appreciate your well wishes x
  • Butterfliess
    Butterfliess Community member Posts: 87 Contributor
    Hey everyone,

    Thankyou all that commented regarding my question.

    I am little anxious regarding talking to DWP about my marriage. Will this trigger a reassessment?

    Im also concerned of how I inform them, I am not changing my name so does this really mean I need to let them know. Of course my partner is and they are on my universal credit claim (my partner works) so obviously anything they earn is taken off our UC. They would need to inform them due to name changing.

    can I leave a note on my UC Journal and that will cover me for both ESA and UC or does this have to be done separately?
    also do I need to inform PIP? As I  was under the impression that this was a personal payment to me and wouldn’t matter if I was married or not.

    will our marriage mean that I have to swap from contribution based esa to income based?
    it’s all ready confusing and I’m obviously scared of how it will effect my benefits after having such trouble getting on the correct ones.

  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited August 2021
    Butterfliess said:I am little anxious regarding talking to DWP about my marriage. Will this trigger a reassessment?
    No reason why it should - nothing has changed except your legal status.
    ..I am not changing my name so does this really mean I need to let them know. 
    As per my previous reply I can't see that there are consequences if you don't, I simply directed you the official advice that you should.
    They would need to inform them due to name changing.
    If your partner is informing them due to change of name they will know you have got married anyway so makes sense for you to confirm it to them also.
    will our marriage mean that I have to swap from contribution based esa to income based?
    Butterfliess said: it’s all ready confusing and I’m obviously scared of how it will effect my benefits after having such trouble getting on the correct ones.
    It really shouldn't be confusing or scary. As already advised getting married will make no difference to your benefits.