ill health retirement

Gurpal Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
edited August 2021 in Work
Hello I have just joined this group. 

I have suffered with depression for over 7 years and the last 4 years have been really bad and my employer has not supported me but rather target me. 

I finally had request I’ll health retirement yesterday as my depression is getting worse and not better. 

Has anybody gone through this process and how should I prepare as I now worrying about this as well. 

I know I can no longer work and will not be able to in the future, I will not be able to work again. 


  • Gurpal
    Gurpal Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi Yes my GP has been helping me over the last 7 years I have had CBT counselling but I go into severe depression within a couple of months of getting better and it takes me about 6-9 months to start feeling better 

    I am in sertraline and my dose is 150 mg a day
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @Gurpal

    Welcome to the community, good to see you join us. 

    I'm sorry to hear of what you've been going through, what is it that is making you believe your employer is targeting you? 

    I'm sure we have members on the community who will be able to offer their experience, and I have moved your discussion over to our employment category which you might wish to browse for related conversations.

    I'm glad to hear that your GP has been helping you with your mental health. Have you tried accessing them at all during one of the periods where you feel as though your depression is getting worse? Have you tried speaking with them to see if further support can be offered?
  • Gurpal
    Gurpal Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    my GP is very supportive and I am currently going through severe depression and am not in a good place 

    I have requested ill health retirement but really am worried as I do need this to be paid with benefits 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi @Gurpal sorry to hear about your issues 

    I know a bit about ill health retirement 

    First of all I presume you are in a company pension scheme,  and if you don't mind how old are you 

    Each pension provider will have their own process which you can try find out 

    It will involve some form of medical assessment so they can decide if you are eligible 

    As this means you will no longer be able to work and will be taking your pension early it is often quite hard to evidence that you are unfit for work 

    Speak to your hr department who should be able to help 

    ACAS also have lots of info on all employment issues 

    If you have any further questions just ask 
  • Gurpal
    Gurpal Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi Janer1967

    Thank you for reaching out and all help is appreciated. 

    I am 49 years old and have been employed for 25 years with Royal Mail and have been in their pensions schemes from the start. 

    In the last 5 years I have been off with depression for over 3 years in total on and off. 

    I just cannot handle any sort of routine anymore. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I'm not certain bit I would imagine you kay have difficulty getting ill health retirement for depression as in most cases you would only be eligible if there is no chance your condition will improve 

    I'm not saying this is right but in some cases of depression the condition can improve with treatment so you would need medical evidence to show no likely improvement 

    At this stage you just need to get advice on your options 

    The best is to speak to hr and ask for oh referral who will recommend any appropriate action 

    You may be better off looking at medical dismissal you won't be able to draw your pension though 

    Some employers have a compensation package for medical dismissal 

    You need to explore all your options before taking any action 
  • Gurpal
    Gurpal Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    I have have now been off sick work for 9 months and have spoken to HR and they said that they consider all cases and in their previous experience depending on individual circumstances people suffering with depression have been given ill health retirement with benefits , so fingers crossed 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    If that 8s the case that is good and will most likely be your best option
  • atlas47
    atlas47 Online Community Member Posts: 237 Empowering
    Hi @Gurpal

    A very warm welcome.

    A word of warning, it is not in the gift of the employer (in your case Royal Mail) to determine if an occupational pension would be payable.

    It is for the actual pension scheme to decide.

    I would also suggest, you deal with applying for your ill health retirement pension, prior to leaving employment.

    You should seek assistance from your trade union, at this stage.

    I have provided a link about your scheme here

    Keep us informed.
  • Gurpal
    Gurpal Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thank you
  • Duninn
    Duninn Online Community Member Posts: 184 Empowering
    @Gurpal - welcome. You’ve not had an easy time by the sounds of it!  I expect your GP will have made referral to other services like Mental Health Teams and to a Psychiatrist and will have prescribed medications - you’ll have medical notes that audit this and might support you retirement application.  As has been pointed out,  getting might be difficult.  Two things I think you should consider 1. Is it this employer, job that is the reason for your difficulties or even the uncertain future of the Post Office that is responsible and 2. have you involved your Union (both Unite and Unison have great histories for the support and guidance they offer their members.  Good luck 
  • EmmaForrest
    EmmaForrest Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener

    Did you succeed in gaining ill health retirement?