
alex19 Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
dont know why I need to prove myself to a certain someone but someone on here thinks I requested the cancer screening kit myself it angers me that people on here could even think I am lying!! I came back on here for support but do you know what I may leave again and not return!!!


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Sorry to hear that has heen said by a member not seen it but that's not nice 

    We are here to support you or the majority are 
  • alex19
    alex19 Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    @janer1967 thank you 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,499 Championing
    Bowel cancer screening is offered every 2 years from age 60, & I personally think it's a really good thing, & am grateful for the opportunity to do a home test. I am therefore surprised at the cavalier comment another made, but can't see there was any intent to suggest you could just get one of these sent out to you when younger unless because of your Drs concerns. You take care, x
  • alex19
    alex19 Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    Thank you @chiarieds it was not posted on here it was MSG's that's been sent too my mobile phone number it just upset me abit that's all it just amazes me how ppl think they know everything that's all thank you takecare xxx
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hi @Alex19

    I'm sorry to hear that another comment on the community has upset you, I think I know the one you are referring to and I'm sorry that it has caused you distress, I'm sure though that the individual won't have intended to upset you at all, and supports you 100%. I think they were just sharing their experience of the subject.

    We are all behind you and you have our best wishes.

    Feel free to contact us at if you want to discuss anything further or if anything concerns you.
  • alex19
    alex19 Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    @Username_removed I have lost alot of family members through diff cancers I have suffered for past 2 years with symptoms raised white blood cells on every blood test I have had also had inconclusive tummy biopsies etc so it was a shock when I got called into doctors the other day to get my latest blood results he says they are rubbish that was his words and my white blood cells keep rising and my esr levels whatever they are? So he rung the hospital and asked them to send me this test I'm scared but it's gotta be done and I'm only 40!!
  • alex19
    alex19 Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    @Ross_Scope it was not posted on here but thank you for your support 
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    I see @alex19, thanks for your reply. If you want to discuss the issue with us, then you are always welcome to get in touch.
  • alex19
    alex19 Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    Thank you @Ross_Scope means alot 
  • alex19
    alex19 Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    I did not say it was scopes fault at all 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
     I dont think anyone thinks your lying people do get test kits posted out to them without going to the dr 

    Think maybe you have taken something the wrong way 

  • alex19
    alex19 Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    @LisaThomas50 I did not request this kit the doc asked to see me about my symptoms etc which have been going on for a long time and he told me that he has concerns that's why he asked the hospital to send me 1 I already told you this a couple of hours ago when you msged me to my mobile number 
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    Are you saying you have exchanged numbers with Lisa? 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,499 Championing
    people do get test kits posted out to them without going to the dr
    Only those over 60 (tho this age will apparently lower to 56 this year) are invited to get a test:
  • alex19
    alex19 Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    I did @MarkN88 @chiarieds I have had problems ongoing for a long time and doc knows this had bloods took and everytime it's came bk high white blood cells and other day I got results bk again which shows high white blood cells again and high esr whatever that is ? I have a lump in my tummy lost weight and my number 2s are like black tar oh I have also had inconclusive tummy biopsies I'm so scared xxx
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    It’s probably not a good idea to exchange mobile numbers to be fair, and I’m sure it’s against the community guidelines, so be careful. 

    ESR from memory is a inflammation measurement of some kind. 
  • alex19
    alex19 Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    @MarkN88 sorry I did not know this and thanks for update about ESR doc wants to call me Monday and discuss all my bloods altogether he only had esr 1 and my white blood cell count other day 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    If you ate having unwanted text messages just block the number 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,499 Championing
    edited August 2021
    ESR = erythrocyte (red blood cells) sedimentation Mark says, it's a measure that there's inflammation in the body, but it doesn't indicate where. I've previously had them done to rule out rheumatoid arthritis for example.
    I know you've had problems for some time @alex19, & in your case had a test sent out only at your Dr's request. Stay strong, & positive, xx
  • alex19
    alex19 Community member Posts: 111 Contributor
    Thank you @janer1967 @chiarieds I have osteoarthritis but had that since last year it's I'm my shoulder I'm on meds for that but had my blood took alot of times since then and it's always came bk high white blood cells but this is 1st time it's came back with a high ESR reading xx