If I refuse consent for DWP to contact professionals, does this include my daughter's school?

ennazus43 Community member Posts: 8 Connected
edited December 2021 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Just completing my daughters dla claim. Does anyone know if I refuse consent for DWP to contact professionals whether this includes her school? I have lots of supporting evidence from everyone named on the form and her school senco has completed the "person who knows the child" section. I just don't want them contacting school and getting a response from her class teacher or the Head that undermines everything (I've heard of this happening and I don't want to give them the chance to turn us down). But I'm not sure if I don't consent whether it includes school too? Please help!


  • ennazus43
    ennazus43 Community member Posts: 8 Connected
    @woodbine Not that easy, both the head and her new class teacher in September will be new to the school so they won't know her at all, and I have no idea how responsive they'll be to supporting her claim because I haven't met them yet. I know I'm probably being paranoid but just trying to head off problems in advance, it what I've learned do, lol. Do you know if it prevents them contacting school if I don't consent?
  • ennazus43
    ennazus43 Community member Posts: 8 Connected
    @Username_removed thanks so much that's ŕeally helpful. Yes, I did my research before filling out the form and I've given practical examples and then compared these to the needs of 'most' or 'average' children her age. Also got the senco to read some guidance before writing the statement so it focuses on the additional help she needs compared to other children and highlights areas like toileting, moving around safely, additional support to communicate etc, so its pretty strong I'd say, but obviously nothing guarantees it. Have to disagree that they almost never contact schools though, I work in a school and we frequently get requests. And they are frequently poorly dealt with (not by me I hasten to add). Also had loads of other parents tell me their school was contacted too.
  • Susanannr52
    Susanannr52 Community member Posts: 25 Contributor
    Don’t forget if and I do mean if your claim gets turned down please appeal as most cases that go through with an appeal gets awarded, they seem to put you through the ‘hoops’ just to see if your claim is a genuine one
    Did you know that your local C.A.B. can help with filling out DLA and PIP Forms
  • ennazus43
    ennazus43 Community member Posts: 8 Connected
    Thanks everyone for your responses, they are really helpful. Thanks