Id like to know the required points to be eligible for a blue badge in Scotland?

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0 Listener
edited August 2021 in Transport and travel
I was refused a blue badge a few years ago, after having had one for the 3 years previous. (I believe the criteria changed.) So I really just want to know how many points I need to tick the boxes.
Pain on walking and standing is my problem. It appears to me that if you aren't receiving payments for mobility loss (PIP) then the struggle to get a blue badge is harder. Am I right? I just want to park closer so I can go to get my shopping without ending up in tears from the pain. 


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    I'm not sure about the criteria for Scotland 

    In England it is down to each local council to set the eligibility 

    Normally if awarded 12 points for moving around descriptors in pip you are eligible 

    But they do also issue to others after applying and going through an assessment 

    Try your local council website to see if there is any information 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited August 2021
    janer1967 said: In England it is down to each local council to set the eligibility 
    I'm not sure that is entirely correct. For automatic entitlement based on PIP the requirements are, I think, national.
    Licol said: I'd like to know the required points to be eligible for a blue badge in Scotland?
    For Scotland a quick google brings up this

    If you don't meet the criteria for automatic entitlement you will need to complete a form explaining your difficulties and the local authority will make a decision.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Listener
    Thanks for your reply. This site has so much more info on the criteria. I'm afraid I've not found anywhere on the Scottish site where there are clues as to how many points or criteria I would need to gain eligibility. I'm not keen to go down the PIP route as I'm not in need of any financial support. (though it does seem to be a stepping stone to help, I don't understand why. :/
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited August 2021
    Licol said:.. I'm afraid I've not found anywhere on the Scottish site where there are clues as to how many points or criteria I would need to gain eligibility. I'm not keen to go down the PIP route as I'm not in need of any financial support. (though it does seem to be a stepping stone to help, I don't understand why. :/
    It is fully set out on the page I linked to. If you do not meet the criteria for automatic entitlement you are assessed as described in the section 'Who else can get a Blue Badge'. 

    All Blue Badges are based on an assessment of need. The reason PIP is a 'stepping zone' is because someone who has PIP has already been assessed, but it is not necessary to be in receipt of PIP to get a Blue Badge.