Part time work on ESA support group

jolene3110 Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
Hello Everyone 
I really want to try to get back into the workplace and hope I can manage up to 16 hrs per week.

My question is - I would be paid monthly for any shifts I do in the previous month and would be responsible for my own tax & NI deductions. How would this work in relation to my fortnightly ESA payments - would DWP look at the monthly total I received for the month and divide into a 4 wk period?

Thank you for helping me with this 


  • jolene3110
    jolene3110 Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
    Also, what defines a 'working week' within ESA, is it Mon- Sun or the day I receive payment (Tues in my case therefore Tues - Monday?)
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited August 2021
    Remember that to count as permitted work it must be less than 16 hours/week and you must earn not more than £143/week. If you work for 16 hours you will lose your entitlement to ESA. You should inform DWP before starting work.

    If you are paid monthly the normal method of calculation will be the monthly amount x 12 / 52. Therefore monthly earnings should not exceed £619/month. If monthly earnings vary there is scope for averaging over a longer period of time but that becomes more complex.

    You say you will be responsible for your own NI and tax - does this mean you are being employed on a self employed basis?
  • jolene3110
    jolene3110 Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
    Thank you @calcotti
    So if I get paid monthly and work up to 16 hrs per week at £143 x4 =£572 pm x 12 ÷52 wks =£132 per week x4 which actually equates to £528 pm?
    So would that figure be used as a monthly total against my benefit - and also when does the week begin, from the day i receive benefit (Tuesday)?

    I appreciate your help as find this very confusing

  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited August 2021
    jolene3110 said: So would that figure be used as a monthly total against my benefit 
    I don't know what you mean by this. The monthly total is irrelevant. ESA is calculated on a weekly basis. No matter how you are paid the amount you receive is converted back to a weekly amount. If the weekly amount is within permitted work limits (and your working hours are less than 16) then the income has no impact on your ESA.

    Exceed the limits and ESA entitlement ends.

    I think your benefit week is Wednesday to Tuesday (but not sure).

    For legacy ESA the guidance is here