Work capability form for Esa and Uc

flitab Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
Hi. Am new to Esa and claimed  on 21st April this year and had a payment on 2nd August for 907.08 and then another payment on the 4th August for £149.40. I received a letter the following week stating I had been awarded contribution based Esa. I understand the amounts and the dates they relate to. I have been sending in my sick notes and my last one now covers me until Jan 21. Will I have to fill in the capable for work form for Esa as I already claim UC with my partner and have been awarded the Lcw+wra for UC. If I do, how long does it take before they send it to me. 
Thanks in advance. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,725 Championing

    One assessment covers both UC and ESA because they are both the same. As you've already been awarded LCWRA for UC then you should be placed into the relevant group for ESA which is the Support Group. Your ESA amount will be £114.10 every 2 weeks which will be deducted in full from your UC entitlement. You will then receive your UC each month. There's no financial gain to claiming both together but the ESA will pay class NI, where as UC pays class 3.

    You should contact ESA to tell them about your LCWRA award.
  • flitab
    flitab Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you for your reply. I will inform them next week. I only claimed Esa as when we claimed UC I had a telephone interview with someone from the jobcentre who said I should claim Esa as well.
    Do you know if the money is automatically deducted or do I declare it in my journal each month? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,725 Championing
    It's automatically deducted. When you're placed into the Support Group for ESA then amount deducted from your monthly UC will be £494.
  • flitab
    flitab Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you so much for your help. Must admit where to declare it was bothering me. I have already let uc know I have been awarded esa. Now to tackle the support group bit.