Housing Association Application - Evidence

OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,797 Championing

I'm putting in a housing association application as my current property isn't suitable due to worsening conditions.  Main issue being upstairs rather than ground floor so not something that could be easily fixed.

Along with bank statements etc, it asks for 'evidence'...  Is that the same sort of thing as PIP evidence or something different?  Could I just send them a copy of the 'moving around' part of the PIP form I've just done?


  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
    Evidence in relation to what though? The fact you want gound floor? 
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,797 Championing
    That's what I'm asking lol!  I assume it must mean evidence of health conditions, but are they asking for a formal diagnosis letter or more of a practical thing like PIP...  :#
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
    From experience, I've seen people ask their GP to write a letter and within that also specifying what you may benefit from, for example a ground floor accommodation, or whatever it specifically you want. 

    Have you had a care needs assessment? Having an occupational therapist specifically state you need this too would add substance to your application. 

    I don't suppose it would harm to put in anything you deem necessary really.

    Maybe if in doubt speak to them directly and ask what evidence they would like to see?
  • Cress
    Cress Online Community Member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing
    Maybe they just want to see a copy of your award letter @OverlyAnxious
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,797 Championing
    I've only got a short time to get the application in so no time to ask for anything new.  I can put in a copy of the GPs most recent letter though, same one I put in for PIP.

    No needs assessment as I can't have people in due to severe contamination OCD and agoraphobia.  I'm also hoping for a garden at the next place so I might be able to meet people outside as a compromise...

    Got the application forms 3 months ago but they got lost in the fog of the last few months...  Found them again when looking for PIP evidence last week...next day I got a letter saying the application was closed as they never received the forms.   :|  They've given me a short extension after a quick email so I really can't risk missing this deadline.

    They have also asked for copies of benefit award letters, bank statements and proof of ID.  My scanner/printer doesn't know what's hit it this week!  :D

  • Silverfox3824
    Silverfox3824 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    edited October 2021
    Mark M88 is correct, GP letter, O/T assessment report (Customer First) Definatelly. If you wish to send PiP decision letter as well you can, but they will require the first two. If not they can reject the application. 
  • _witchcore
    _witchcore Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected
    Evidence for being rehoused is a report from an OT/adult services social worker. I know because I've applied to 18 housing associations in the last 9 months. We finally got moved by our HA. I had to essentially call social services on myself and my carer, to see if there was any help that could be offered. I didn't need any help but they did note that we need to move, the reasons why, and what kind of property we need. They pass the info on to the home finding team at your council and that goes on your housing application. You can also send copies to the HA's if you're applying with them directly for choice based lettings for example. A GPs letter won't mean anything as they don't know how you live. It has to be someone like an OT. I know you have explained your problem with them visiting but they do speak to you on the phone first and you could explain this and ask what they can do. I have a friend who desperately needs to move and he won't ask for an OT assessment as he feels they would intervene because he doesn't tidy up and is ashamed, but he won't see sense in that he will never be able to move without having the assessment. To him, his pride is more important than living in unsuitable accommodation. Out of all the housing providers I applied to myself, every single one wanted the evidence to come from a social worker/OT/independent living services at the council. None of them accepted medical evidence. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear. Doctors don't deal with adaptations etc.
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,797 Championing
    Thanks both.  I know the post dates aren't obvious under the new forum style but this thread was from two months ago.

    I never heard anything back from the HA so I'm not sure if they just binned the application straight away.  It was a direct HA application, I know the council can't help someone like myself (single male, no dependents).

    Sadly, my health issues have declined further since I posted this and I'm now longer physically up to a move.  But also can't manage in this property either, so I'm just stuck now.

    I can't use telephones btw, the only communication option I have now is written text such as email.  I cannot manage any face to face contact even with relatives now.
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,797 Championing
    **Update 29/11/21**

    Much to my surprise, the housing application has been allowed without any further input.  I'm in band B for medical need and allowed a ground floor property up to 1 bedroom.

    I fear it may be too late now but it's good to know that option is there and I will keep checking the HA website weekly in the hope that something suitable and (very!) local appears.  :)  
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    That's good news it has been accepted and hope you find a way of being able to move 

    When I eventually was rehoused to a bungalow with garden and easy access it made such a positive impact on my life and was a real turning point to a new life 
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Good news @OverlyAnxious, hopefully something suitable comes up!