I’m fed up of fighting

Cplife Community member Posts: 58 Contributor
edited September 2021 in Cerebral Palsy Network
Hi my name is cplife I’m fed up of fighting for everything I feel forgotten about  more so since Covid i also suffer with health anxiety I’ve had since childhood I was born in the 70s hospital visits where horrible back then these visits took me up till I was sixteen and then all care stopped  I’ve received a letter to ask me to do my blood pressure over a week I phoned my gp and told them I couldn’t do it myself they said we hire them out then I said there’s no point in hiring me one as I physically can’t do it for myself and then there response was we are sorry about that we will take you off the list 


  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,617 Scope online community team
    edited August 2021
    Hi @Cplife
    You aren't on your own feeling like this during the pandemic. I speak with dozens of adults and parents of children with CP a week who have seen everything come to a virtual standstill because of Covid.

    I can relate to what you are saying. I was born in the '70s too and had regular appointments regarding my CP until the age of 16. Now we have the Adult CP Care Pathway which you can ask your G.P. to use to refer you to UCLH for multi-disciplinary team assessments

    In terms of your blood pressure tests, do you have family or a PA that could help you with that?
  • Cplife
    Cplife Community member Posts: 58 Contributor
    Thanks Richard I didn’t know about the pathway I’ll look into it 
    and as for blood pressure no I don’t have anyone at the moment who would feel comfortable doing it isn’t that what the processionals in the nhs for they understand what you’re blood pressure meant to be 
    Regards cplife
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,617 Scope online community team
    Yes, I would agree with you. Covid does seem to have changed the medical landscape