I've been sanctioned for missing calls. They said they've kept to law on reasonable adjustments

basal Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
edited August 2021 in Universal Credit (UC)
I’ve requested to UC to do my work search appointments by online message or via journal as a reasonable adjustment and they’ve refused saying they’ve kept to the law on reasonable adjustments by making my appointments just once a month instead of fortnightly. 
I can’t use the telephone, my phone is for text/email/online access only. 

I haven’t left the house in nearly a decade so can’t do face to face and I can’t do telephone appointments, I just can’t. I never do for anything.

What can I do? I’ve now been sanctioned again and this time it’s for 182 days.
I am trying to engage with them but I can’t magic myself better and suddenly be able to use the phone just because it suits them. 
Please help. Do I have any leg to stand on here? 


  • basal
    basal Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    A bit about me: I was on esa and before that incapacity benefit. I was found fit for work 3ish years ago and moved to uc as couldn’t cope with no income.
    I did a paper based appeal for esa and no change in decision. 
    I’ve been submitting fit notes to UC since I switched over and still waiting for an assessment as they’ve accepted I can only have a home visit after an exchange between them and my gp but have been told it’s going to take a long time as they’re not doing them right now.

    My commitments are set that I don’t have to work search but I do have to have meetinns with work coach. 
    It’s just been a cycle of endless sanctions since I joined uc and I don’t know what to do any more
  • Cress
    Cress Online Community Member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing
    edited August 2021
    I had monthly work coach meetings via telephone whilst waiting wca decision and they just asked me how I was and was I getting the support I needed.
    Really couldn't have made it easier for me...each one lasted 5 minutes tops...
    Maybe just give it a go?
    Rather then repeated sanctions...

    Just wanted to ask have you tried appealing your sanctions?
  • basal
    basal Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    I can’t just give it a go, I actually can’t make telephone calls. Even my doctor sends a link for us to have live text-chats since they stopped home visits. I can’t use the phone, it just isn’t an option. It wouldn’t matter if it was meant to last 1 minute or 30, I can’t do it. I’ve had need to contact the police before and even that I’ve had to do online because I couldn’t call
  • Cress
    Cress Online Community Member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing
    Could somebody be with you to answer the phone and relay any Q and A’s via the speaker?
    sorry, hopefully someone else may be able to advise.
    good luck…
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,190 Championing
    Can someone take the call on your behalf with the phone on loud speaker so that you can hear what's being said? How about a letter from your GP stating that you're unable to use the phone and why you're unable to do this?
  • basal
    basal Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Didn’t notice your other question Cress, I appealed the first sanction but was turned down so haven’t bothered with any since. Luckily uc still covers my rent but I’ve just put all living expenses on credit for last few years it’s been so hard.
    Thank you to you and Poppy123456 for the suggestions but I don’t have anyone that can talk on my behalf and honestly I couldn’t have the phone answered in my presence either. Wish I could explain the trauma it causes me, I don’t think many people will ever understand. I can’t think of any circumstance I’d ever be able to make a call ever. 
  • basal
    basal Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Mikehughescq could you explain more what this involves? I found a page on cpag with pre-action letters is that what you mean? None of them meet my circumstances but do they have to follow set format or can I just write one myself and who would I address it to? My specific work coach or dwp? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,190 Championing
    Then you should take Mike's advice with a letter before action. May i ask if you're claiming any disability benefits such as PIP/DLA? If don't then have a look at the descriptors to see if you qualify. https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/personal-independence-payment-pip/pip-points-system

  • basal
    basal Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you I get low mobility PIP which is about £90 a month. I got points for engaging with others but not enough for daily living which is probably accurate as I can do most things myself, I just can’t talk to people or leave my home 
  • basal
    basal Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    They also said a few other things that I’m not sure whether they are true. One is:

    “Thank you for your request for reasonable adjustments, however legislation and obligation/agreement surrounding UC contracts mean that we are unable to fully accommodate your request so your monthly phonecalls will remain but we will rename them a ‘catch-up’ so not to increase your anxiety.” 
    Aside from being horribly patronising are they correct that the legislation means that’s the most they can do by way of reasonable adjustment? 

    The other is that I’m not allowed to complain to the independent case examiner because their response to the pandemic and backlog means I’m not allowed until DWP says I can bring the case to them. Is that correct? 
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,536 Championing
    I don't have anything to add regarding UC, but I have the same problem with telephones, it's only since joining Scope I found out it's not that uncommon.  I wish people in the benefits & health system could understand it's not a 'choice' we make just to be awkward.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,190 Championing
    I don't see any reason why your "catch up" appointments can't also be turned off. If they know there's absoluately no way you can use the phone to speak to anyone then in my opinion they haven't gone far enough with the RA.

    I claimed UC for my daughter in January of this year. She also has a health condition and was awarded the LCWRA at the start of July. I'm her appointee but i only had 1 phone call for her from the time i claimed and this was to confirm identity. All work commitments were turned off from the start of her claim.

    You're being sanctioned for something you're not able to do because of your health condition, which is totally wrong.