Call from DWP regarding PIP tribunal appeal

wilber2505 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
Hi I’m hoping someone can help me regarding my post. I was awarded standard daily living and standard mobility on my PIP renewal 8 and 10 points respectively, I asked for an MR and the awarded me ER daily living and kept the mobility at 10 points (SR) so I started the process to appeal at tribunal. Roll on almost a month and out of the blue I had a phone call from DWP wanting more information for my claim pack, I was asked if there was any more information I would like to add and was told that they would be sending me a letter and the pack in the post. I find it very strange that they would have called me especially since I have a representative. Is it a good thing that they called as they made no offer like some people get over the phone, should I be worried?
TIA for your replies