Hi, I'm wendy. Council have asked me not to park on grass next to my bungalow, can I do anything?

wendyr Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited September 2021 in Transport and travel
Hi there 
 need some help please I live under East Riding council in a bungalow as I’m disabled these are purposely for the old buy mine is on the grounds of disability I have been parking my car at the side of my bungalow for the last six months my next door neighbour has made it her mission to get most old folk complain about me yesterday I had a call off the council to move my car I’ve already got very limited walking they want me to park on the road away from my car and I was told that they would be getting highways to put Ballard in to stop me going on the grass this would mean not only moving my car but also if I needed an ambulance they couldn’t get close to my bungalow can I do anything to stop this please thanks Wendy 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    I know you probably won't want to hear this but i think your local council are correct in asking you to move your car from the grass. Do you have anywhere else that's close enough to your bungalow to park your car for example on the side of a road?
  • wendyr
    wendyr Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    hi there hi there the road is too far from my bungalow I have limited walking and have cerable palsy they want to put a Ballard in place to stop me parking but they are also stopping emergency vehicles from coming in 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited September 2021
    I understand that but you’re still parking on the grass. Paramedics can leave the ambulance and walk any distance required. 
    You can try contacting your local councillor to see if they can help.
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    edited September 2021
    Hi @wendyr and a warm welcome to our online community, how are you today?

    I'm sorry to hear about your parking situation, I imagine the call from the council came as a bit of a shock.  It sounds as though you find the road too difficult to mobilise to and I wondered about i) asking for an OT assessment to look at any aids/equipment that could help you more safely navigate to it, or ii) asking for route improvements to be made by your local authority i.e. a better path?  Do you think either of these would help?

    Just to let you know, I've amended the title of your thread and moved it to our Motability, blue badges and disabled motoring category to help others spot it and reply easier.  I hope you are doing well.  Take care and enjoy this sunny afternoon.
  • Dempseym
    Dempseym Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor
    Hi, the council put an H-Marking opposite my drive as a reasonable adjustment.  I have had problems with neighbours harassing me for years now, this was due to their hostility in me being privileged with the H-marking.  None of them are disabled they are just nasty people.  In summary, the police supported the H-Marking and sent letters to residents confirming the purpose of the marking that relates to my disability and the need to keep the marking clear.  This was in 2018.  The problem still continues and despite the letters the police have now withdrawn support, despite me proving harassment via CCTV evidence of a group of neighbours targeting me.  I am at a loss as the same offender (caught on CCTV) who was never prosecuted is now given a licence to block my access to the road whenever she feels like it.  This is despite > 13 True Vision reports of her harassment.  The Council will not do anything either, so much for taking hate crime seriously!  There appears little or no concern for the barriers disabled people face and reasonable adjustments can be made to remove such barriers.  I feel for WendyR who has raised this issue in the above threads.  It appears that policy is just words these days as there appears little or no adherence to the Equality and Human Rights Act !   People are just nasty but appear to be listened to by Councils and police leaving disabled people at a severe disadvantage.  
  • wendyr
    wendyr Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    hi there hi there I know how you feel there I’ve got an housing officer who keeps saying oh we moved you because of your needs now they are stopping me parking you can never win 
  • Dempseym
    Dempseym Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor
    Hi Wendy, in my experience, disabled people are viewed as a nuisance rather than a priority!  Your situation is not acceptable at all. They should have told the neighbours to stop harassing you because of your disability, unfortunately, you and I have experienced, public authorities tend to favour the able-bodied who outnumber the likes of you and me in communities, sad but true.  The policies are just words on paper, the actions of these people demonstrate their own hidden prejudice.   I will pray you find a resolution, it is so hard I know, but we cannot give up on our rights.  
  • wendyr
    wendyr Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    hiya I get fed up at time I have a council housing officer come down she says your situation is based on disability then try’s to get my mobility car moved to day they have down looking at putting two Ballard up to stop me pulling my car on we are very much rated as second class citizens x
  • Dempseym
    Dempseym Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor
    Absolutely, Wendy, we are victimized in order to passive the hostile able-bodied who are hostile towards us.  Inverted standards, they have a duty to make reasonable adjustments and continue to put barriers in our way.  Why could they not allow you to park there because of your disability?  It does not make sense.  The evil ones who complain are given what they want.  That has happened to me.  I have been treated appallingly badly and accused of causing trouble all because I was trying to assert my rights to social inclusion.  Policies are ignored.  How are you going to cope, did they ask you?  I think it is abuse, can you not seek legal advice?  The way you have been treated is appalling!!!!   I pray things to get resolved for us both, this abuse cannot go on.  What was the purpose of the complaint from neighbours, hostility, prejudice, and jealousy no doubt?  That is what I have experienced too, we should not have to put up with it.  People are evil.  Keep me posted on how you are, I will pray for you, this is so sad.