claiming pip for arthritis as a carer for mr husband

maryjane67 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
i have been a carer for my husband 12 years but having problems with arthritis pain ,knees shoulder and feet  not sure if i should claim pip or how to make sence or the from because of the contradiction with my caring role .my husband needs supervision from cooking to to making a journey i am with him all the time how would i answer the question for my own needs .any help please


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited September 2021
    Clearly if you say you help lift someone in and out of the bath but also that you cannot lift a saucepan due to the weight that would appear contradictory but it is perfectly possible to have disabilities yourself and care for somebody else depending on the nature of the difficulties and the nature of the care. Supervising someone is a caring activity but is not necessarily physically demanding and, if something dramatic happened requiring an intervention you are unable to do, you would call for help. Even at a more simple level it may be possible to do activities for someone else that you cannot do for ourself, for example someone who cannot bend to tie their own shoelaces may be able to tie the shoelaces of somebody else by positioning themselves on different sets on the staircase.

    If you apply for PIP you would need to describe your own difficulties in the usual way. 
  • maryjane67
    maryjane67 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    thank you calcotti it more supervising and guidance