Larsen Syndrome

jinnty Community member Posts: 57 Contributor
Hello, I hope this post finds you all safe and well as can be. I requested my medical notes, and on looking through them, I discovered as a child I had been diagnosed with Larsen Syndrome, and on looking it up, I was astounded to discover that it describes me to a T. But, I can’t find any information on wether this is a childhood illness, or it continues through adulthood, can anyone give me any information please? I have been told my knees are bone on bone, but I will not get operated on until I’m 60 or over, I’m 54. Yes, I know a lot of people have had surgery before then, but unfortunately my drs have dug their heels in. But, if this syndrome continued into adulthood, I may be able to point it out to them. Thank you in advance for any comments. Stay safe and as well as you can be. X
