Carers money on UC

Shesfifty57 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
On my uc payment it says we get carers paid £168 a month but my partner turned 66 in June and we lost carers but yet says we get it.


  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited October 2021
    On my uc payment it says we get carers paid £168 a month but my partner turned 66 in June and we lost carers but yet says we get it.
    That doesn't quite make sense. If you were receiving Carer's Allowance that would show as an income of £292.93/month. Presumably this is what older UC statements show.

    What assessment period does the £168 relate to? If it is showing for an assessment period in which no CA was received then you need to post a note in your UC journal querying it (mark it as a payments query). If it is in an assessment period which covers some weeks before your wife's turned 66 it will be an apportioned amount for the CA (it's about two and a half weeks worth).

    Your statements should still show that you are entitled to the carer element of UC (£163.73) but there should now be a deduction for the State Pension your wife presumably receives.