Hi, my name is madmactouche! I am now looking into leaving work

madmactouche Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited October 2021 in Work
i have worked for an NHS trust for over 18 years, and over the last couple of years i have struggled with chronic pain in the base/coccyx of my back, and arthritis.
i am now looking into leaving work, as my health is getting worse and i feel that physically i can no longer go on.
i am worried about the financial side, and how i would live without a wage coming in??


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    Have you spoke to your employer about reasonable adjustments? https://www.gov.uk/reasonable-adjustments-for-disabled-workers This may help you to remain in work for longer.
    If that's not possible, you shouldn't just give up work before getting some expert advice,  especially as you've been working there for so long.
    SSP is payable from your employer for 28 weeks https://www.gov.uk/statutory-sick-pay
    As well as the SSP you can use a benefits calculator to check entitlement to Universal Credit. If you have savings/capital of more than £16,000 you're excluded from claiming. A claiming for UC will end any tax credits you may already be claiming. If you live with a partner you claim as a couple.
    Alternative to that 3 months before your SSP ends you'll be able to start a claim for New Style ESA, payments won't start until your SSP ends. You'll need a fit note from your GP and the SSP1 form from your employer to be able to claim this. It's based on your NI contributions in the 2 previous tax years prior to your claim.  It pays £74.70 for 1 year unless you're placed in the Support Group and then it's paid for as long as you remain in that group. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/new-style-employment-and-support-allowance
    If you claim both UC and NsESA together then the ESA is deducted in full from any UC entitlement.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Connected

    Hi @madmactouche

    A warm welcome to the community.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.  I’m sorry to hear about your current situation.  I appreciate that working through this, along with your health circumstances can’t be easy and hope you are managing ok. 

    As the previous poster has mentioned, if you haven’t already, it might be worth speaking to your employer about providing reasonable adjustments, or the Access to Work scheme: a government grant you can apply for to help pay for specialist assessments and adjustments.

    Further information can be found here:

    ·  Reasonable adjustments at work

    ·  Access to Work grant scheme

    I hope some of this information will be useful to you.  Please let us know how you are getting on, or if there is any further assistance we can provide.

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    As advised above you should not just leave instead speak to your hr dept about your options 

    This could be reduced hours or duties or medical dismissal or even ill health retirement if pension provider allows 

    You should ask to be referred to oh for a work place assessment so they can recommend the best option for you