Discrimination or over protective

Kmckay Community member Posts: 3 Connected
edited October 2021 in Education and skills
I'm a grandmother and sole carer for both of my grandchildren, granddaughter has severe epilepsy with learning difficulties and grandson  awaiting a diagnosis of possible ADHD.

My granddaughter was attending main stream school year 11 but I refuse to send her any more due to the school's constant excuses to either stop her attending school or send her home.
Excuses are:
My granddaughter couldn't attend school unless she uses a wheelchair(non wheelchair user)
My granddaughter wasn't allowed to sit next to another pupil only her teaching assistant(statemented)
Teaching assistant didn't want physical contact with my granddaughter(Covid times) TA's complained the man handling belt that was in place due to the daily seizures was hurting their back's? (school informed by the local authority to stop using the belt and to let her fall)
I was told that if my granddaughter had a stroke then she would not be able to return to school as she may suffer another stroke?
My granddaughter has been on the waiting list to go into the STF unit since year 7 but i'm constantly told there's no room.
No school trips as they didn't have the staff or the trip would be too tiring.
Made to rush school work even though this causes anxiety and seizures.
I can go on and on these are just a few reason's the school have tried to fob me off. Believe me I have fought for my grandchildren for the last 10 years and now I am tired and don't know what to do? 

Am I over protecting and been taken advantage of because I bring my grandchildren alone or as I believe this is discrimination?

I need help please! Any advice will very much appreciated thank you.


  • Kmckay
    Kmckay Community member Posts: 3 Connected
    Hi Woodbine
    Thank's for the reply.
    I have a special guardianship for my grandchildren, my granddaughter is able bodied and no other child at the school was told to use a wheelchair, she haven't suffered a stroke and I hope she never will. I am quite shocked and appalled that the school can make these kind of decisions. I totally agree with the duty of care on both sides but I don't agree to my granddaughter's epilepsy an excuse for the decisions that are made. 

  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,925 Championing
    Hi @Kmckay,

    I am so sorry to hear about what you are experiencing with your granddaughter's school. It really does sound awful and frustrating. In education, we categorise what you have described as grey exclusion/unofficial exclusion/informal exclusion and they are unlawful. According to IPSEA (https://www.ipsea.org.uk/pages/category/exclusion-from-school), exclusions should only happen for disciplinary reasons and not because the school cannot meet the child's needs or something you did or did not do. Whilst it is not always disability discrimination, it can lead to disability discrimination under the Equality Act 2010. Since your granddaughter already has a statement, you can make an internal complaint with the school in the first instance or speak to your local authority. It may be that your granddaughter's statement needs reviewing to ensure she has support that meets her needs. I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to let us know. Also, good luck with your grandson's diagnosis process  :)
  • Kmckay
    Kmckay Community member Posts: 3 Connected
    Hi L_Volunteer
    Thank you, I have already had a review and requested that my granddaughter attends a special school where she can learn life skills but the review panel turned her down the reason being she is in year 11 and should stick it out in main stream school with adjustments to suit her needs, this haven't happened and now I have to go to the review panel again. My granddaughter's mental health is suffering, she feels isolated from her peers, don't feel welcome by her TA'S when bullied she is told to ignore it. My granddaughter knows she is different age wise, she lives in a Disney world and can't understand why people are mean to her. She is taught the national curriculum lowest level but is too difficult due to the amount of seizures she forgets and gets stressed which causes more seizures. All the school/psychology reports show she has been regressing since the age of 6.
    As for my grandson the school have already stated that if ADHD is diagnosed it wouldn't make any difference to them but he may benefit from medication? My grandson attends the same school as my granddaughter. Some serious education is needed at main stream schools. 

    Thank you for your help :) very very helpful

  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,925 Championing
    edited October 2021
    Hi @Kmckay

    Thanks for your informative response. I am so sorry, it sounds like you have been having a really tough time recently with the school with both of your grandchildren. Indeed, in terms of practical advice, it is about going back to the local authority or escalating it with IPSEA and tribunal. Unfortunately, ADHD is indeed very easily and quickly dismissed as a SEND just requiring medication. We know that is not the case though and students with ADHD instead (or as a supplement) often need more stimulating education and regular active breaks. I find just dance and wake and shake tends to work quite well depending on their age and interests! However, if he has needs which the school cannot provide for, he would also be entitled to support, assessment and review. Though, it sounds like you are very aware of the situation and could simply benefit from some moral support which is very understandable. We are here for you whenever you need us. There is also Scope's helpline if you could benefit from some additional support - you can find the details at https://www.scope.org.uk/helpline/. I hope this helps but as always, if you need any further support or have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us again  :)