Hi, my name is kaytexb! Desperate for some help an support regarding being served eviction

kaytexbx Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Desperate for some help an support regarding being served eviction due to rent arrears,benefit entltlment after comin of esa to start work.ive been in touch with everyone I can to be at the point of giving up an ending it all just so my kids have a roof over there head.


  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @kaytexbx

    Welcome to the community, good to see you join.

    Sorry to hear you are having trouble with rent arrears and benefit entitlement, it seems to be causing you quite a bit of stress at the minute. Can I ask what you meant by your last comment "to be at the point of giving up an ending it all just so my kids have a roof over there head"? Are you referring to giving up your work? 

    Regarding benefit entitlement, it might be worth filling out a benefits calculator to see what you could potentially claim. That's normally a good place to start, and you could give CAB a call to get some advice about it perhaps.  If you receive PIP at all, this shouldn't be impacted by employment because it is not means tested.

    About your rent, have you been in touch with anybody to receive some professional financial advice?
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi there I am sorry to hear about your situation 

    Have you been in touch with shelter at all they maybe able to offer some support 

    Or the council homeless team though they do take into account if your circumstances are due to non payment of rent 

    They have a duty of care when children are involved 
  • kaytexbx
    kaytexbx Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    I've tried everything plus online calculator.ive informed right people when there was a change I wasn't even told my hb was stopped till the money was nearly 1000 pound.I carnt take any more I'm passed to an frow to which hasnt helped one bit.ive got bailiff keep banging at the door wiv court papers.currently getting 4 pound hb entltlment.Told to claim universal credit but then dwp said not to as I was receiving a disabled premium when esa was in pay.My pip got stopped as I apparently didn't fill a questionnaire in I informed then I'd not recieved one but got a 10 Xmas bonus after it was stopped tried that mandatory decision am they didn't change.so I've got 130 pound a month taken from wage for council tax an I'm not getting no discount the hb man only paying 4 weekly hb.ive got 2 kids 1 recently left school started college so tax credit has been payed for 1 but now 2 kids.i carnt get through to hb on phone an sent all requests they've asked for paperwork.then still not changing entiltment.ive spoke to citizens advice but due to conflicting dwp reply an covid it's not helped.i have clinical psychosis an had problem after problem when I was getting esa 8 months with no financial help from anyone as a fraud investigator failed to check facts I ended up in court but won my case an had problem after problem with all benefits that why I reluctantly got a job 28 hours week but they allow for my bad days  an for 1 day to the set hours are when school starts so they allow me to work around the school run on the day.im contracted to work Sundays so my sons dad who I don't spk to comes an sees to him at my house as he doesn't have permanent address himself.i just really carnt do more than what ive if I quit the job I carnt claim anything an they have helped by adapting the job to suit my different days needs.Also helped with clothing for both my kids .
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Im sorry to hear this. This is far too complex for any online forum. You really need to get some expert advice here. Put your postcode into this link to see what’s local to you https://advicelocal.uk/
  • Cazham3008
    Cazham3008 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hi there, I am currently going through eviction too and at the final eviction process. Shelter were the best people to contact first. They have a live chat service and they can email you all of the information discussed and shared directly to you via a chat transcript immediately afterwards. Legal Aid is your best next people to contact. Civil Legal Service can be contacted on 0345 3454345 to go through a Financial Assessment and if you are eligible you will be allocated a specialist caseworker to advise you what else to do. You have to contact your local council's Homeless Department to start a homeless application with them. As you have health issues then you will need a GP report to prove that being made homeless will make you more medically vulnerable than the average person. A medical assessment form, bank statements, proof of benefits, anything to do with your employment and proof that you have not made yourself intentionally homeless is necessary - this means the proof that your Housing Benefit was stopped without your knowledge until it was too late. The caseworker at our local council has not been very helpful so expect lots of hoops to jump through but the solicitor from Legal aid can tell you whether they believe you have a good case with the council. This has made me fight to get this application in to them. We do not know if the bailiffs are coming before Xmas so it is very stressful but having the solicitor helps us massively. Hope that helps!