Getting the courage to open up to the PIP people and filling in the form.

tazzy_956 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
I'm new to PIP and I don't know what to expect. I tried to complete it last year but gave up because I didn't know what to write. Now looking back on it, it was a shame that stopped me from filling in the form, I didn't want to be honest about how my mental health condition affected me. It really scared that people would find out the truth about me. The only people who do know are my family and that's how I wanted it to stay but I was struggling and my family does not know how to help me. I'm desperate and really want some advice on how, to be honest with the jobcentre staff as I still feel a sense of extreme embarrassment about how I am and if I'm completely honest, I blame myself for it. How do I tell the truth without sounding like a complete idiot or desperate but tbh I think desperate is a good thing as I am desperate and I do need help. What do I do? 
Please and thank you :) 

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  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    I think we all have some difficulty in describing how we are whatever our problems, but remember, it's not about your diagnosis/disability, but how this affects your daily life, etc. with regard to the different PIP activities/descriptors.
    Try & give a couple of recent, detailed examples for each applicable descriptor, i.e. when did it happen, what happened, why, did anyone see what happened, & if applicable, how did attempting/doing it make you feel afterwards?
    Also say if you can't do something 'reliably' that is can you do it safely, to an acceptable standard, repeat the activity as often as it would be normal to expect, or does it take you longer than someone without your disability?
    You will be assessed by a nurse, physio or paramedic, who will return their assessment to the DWP for a decision maker to look at all the evidence, including your claim form & any relevant medical info you may send. You'll then get sent a decision letter. None of this involves job centre staff, but rather health care professionals as far as the assessment goes, so nothing to feel embarrassed about. Just be completely honest. Hope some of this helps, & please do let us know if you have any questions. :)
  • coylygirl
    coylygirl Online Community Member Posts: 282 Empowering
    Hi @tazzy_956, are you getting any professional support for your mental health condition?  It seems like you're really struggling and perhaps a good start would be to have a talk with your GP, if you haven't already.  S/he will be completely non-judgmental and will be able to signpost or refer you to the right support.  This will also help with your PIP claim as you will be able to provide evidence of your condition.  As for the forms, they deal with how your mental ill health affects you on a daily basis, not the condition itself, if you see what I mean.  I had major trouble trying to fill i the forms, not because I was ashamed, but because they are so difficult to complete.  I spoke to the Citizens' Advice Bureau and they were so helpful.  I would thoroughly recommend their assistance.  Hope this helps x
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    I'm sorry you feel unable to complete the pip forms 

    You mentioned not wanting to open up to the job centre staff you don't deal with them when applying for pip but as explained above 

    Job centre get involved with work related benefits 

    I hope you get the help you need 

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