Personal Health Budget. How can I go about getting one? How long to wait for care package review?

AJ98 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Connected
I feel that I need to have a PHB as quite a few thing fall under PHB like therapy, skin care, catheter and bowel care. I’m waiting for review of my care package but not sure how long I will have to wait. I need to contact Wheelchair Services as I’m using my chair more inside and I can’t use my manual chair as it too pain to push. 

I’m might ask to keep the old chair so if need to go some where it can go into a car.  How do I do this as I’m not sure if it’s possible. It took my sixteen years and 13 assessments before getting a package.


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    You need a referral usually from your gp for wheelchair services