Hi, I'm looking for information on the resumption of adult care day services in the UK.

SueQ Online Community Member Posts: 3 Connected
I'm looking for information on the resumption of adult care day services in the UK.

My daughter lives in Independent Supported living and her private day service - a registered charity - closed in March 2020 due to the pandemic. Our Council - East Riding - is refusing to allow people who live in ISLs back to day services.

Can anyone shed light on the situation with their local authority?


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,455 Championing
    Welcome to the community @SueQ :) 

    I'm afraid this isn't something I've experienced, so I can't offer any advice from experience on this. It sounds like a really frustrating situation. Have they given you a reason as to why she's not being allowed back to day services? 

    I've marked your post as unanswered, and hope that someone in a similar position will see your post soon. 
  • SueQ
    SueQ Online Community Member Posts: 3 Connected
    Hi Tori

    It isn't just my daughter - there are literally hundreds of people in the East Riding living in ISLs not being allowed back to day services. I've asked the Officers of the Council repeatedly for reasons - the answers have been the same for the past 19 months - they have 500+ people living at home with parents/carers who cannot cope or are in crisis. They come first. The second reason is COVID - they're trying to keep everyone safe. 'Bubbles' are still in operation here. The Council is so far behind the curve it's unreal.
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hi @SueQ I'm sorry no one with a similar experience has been able to reply to your post yet. Has your daughter been able to access day care services at all since you posted? I do hope you have been able to access some support.

    The only thing I could suggest if the issue is still ongoing, is perhaps to raise it with your local MP. While that's no guarantee things will change immediately, it could help to raise awareness of the barrier's that you've been facing during the pandemic.

    Wishing you all the best for 2022 :) And do let us know if we can help with anything further.

  • SueQ
    SueQ Online Community Member Posts: 3 Connected
    Hi Alex

    My daughter was finally allowed to resume day service one day a week from the 15th December - so attended twice before Christmas. The day service is still not allowed to take anyone back without the express permission of the Council in each individual case.

    My daughter is in a bubble of 3 with two members of staff - working mainly outdoors. She has to take a flask with her if she needs a hot drink as staff and service users are not allowed to use the on site canteen.

    I have contacted many local Councillors - who quite frankly showed very little interest.

    From this all I can say is that my daughters mental health has improved a little, the ISL where she lives have been outstanding and we just have to sit back and wait for someone in the Council to make the decision of a full return - though judging by other things that have happened it will not be any time soon.

    There is no one who is fighting for and championing disabled people in this County.


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hi @SueQ thanks so much for taking the time to reply, I'm pleased to hear your daughter at least had a few days there, and as you say her mental health has improved a little. I'm sure any other members going through something similar who do read this thread will find it really helpful, even if they don't comment. 

    It is disappointing to hear about the lack of interest from local councillors, it's a very frustrating situation. Is there anyone in your community who also uses day services who you could talk to about everything? Sometimes it's nice just to vent to others going through similar things. I think everyone is hoping things will calm down with covid as we head towards the spring/summer, fingers crossed.

    You mention there is no one who is fighting for and championing disabled people in your county, but I think it's far to say, that you are. Even if you don't feel like you're making a big change, your voice is being heard here, and you are raising awareness of issues that matter to you, your daughter, and many others like you across the country. I think that's a very important thing :)