I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, should I tell PIP?

gerrys6 Community member Posts: 177 Contributor
edited November 2021 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I got diagnosed today with fibromyalgia will it affect how they score me on my recent pip renewal which I haven’t heard back from sending in the renewal in July do i let them know my


  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Community member Posts: 177 Contributor
    Hi I’ve just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia by my g p after many trips 
    To the doctors for all sorts of related symptoms and she’s sending me to a rheumatologist will this make my p I p in a higher bracket I’m only in the lowest for daily living .? Nothing for mobility as yet. 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,656 Championing
    Hi @gerrys6 - a new diagnosis on it's own wouldn't change your PIP award. It would only be if your functional abilities had changed with regards to the PIP descriptors, i.e. if you were having additional difficulties in performing any of the specific daily living descriptors &/mobility such that you might gain sufficient points to change your award. Please have a look again at the PIP descriptors to see if this is at all likely. Please see: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Documents/Advice (public)/PIP – table of activities, descriptors and points.pdf
    You should also get some advice before considering reporting a 'change of circumstances,' as your award would be looked at again, & there's the danger that you might lose the award you currently have. Please check here to get some advice first: https://advicelocal.uk/
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @gerrys6

    Welcome to the community, thank you for joining and making your first post :) 

    There is no harm in letting them know about your diagnosis if it links in to the reasons for which you are claiming PIP, however PIP isn't awarded based on a diagnosis and it is more about how your conditions impact you.

    I hope your review goes well.
  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Community member Posts: 177 Contributor
    Hi I think it does change the p I p award because as I put in the review I was having trouble with multiple things such as daily things getting dressed opening jars standing to walk my medication has gone up and now I know what medically is the reason behind all these aches pains etc… I did put in my review my health has got worse and they haven’t got around to looking at it yet I e I have no date for a face to face yet. So is it not just putting in more evidence of poor health and  not as such a change of circumstances?? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,736 Championing
    A diagnosis doesn't change anything all is says is that you now know the reason why you're struggling. You've already told them in your form that your condition's got worse. As advised, PIP isn't about a diagnosis, it's how those conditions affect you.