renting place advice. Landlord has asked for references and employment status, but I'm unemployed

redOwl Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
Im not sure where to post this need some advice renting place with gf .At moment staying at gf  place talked about paying off what she owes on back rent and renting place together .She emailed landlord about paying off back rent and land lord now asking about references  and my employment status  .Not sure to do i have no references


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Were you renting before you lived with your GF? If so then you can give contact details of previous landlord, this is what i did with my current landlord. If you work, maybe your employer can give you a reference?
  • redOwl
    redOwl Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
    no lived with family before im on disability  not sure how could give reference
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Do you mean your GF's current landlord is asking for references or a potential new landlord?
    Either way, a new landlord will do a credit check on you, they may also ask for bank statements to check affordability.
    If you've never worked and were living with parents before then you should explain this to the landlord. If your GF doesn't work there could be problems finding a LL that will accept DSS tenants and if you are luckly they may ask for a guarantor.