Tell the Work and Pensions Select Committee about your experience of ESA and PIP assessments

Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,452 Championing
edited November 2021 in Benefits and income

What is the inquiry about?

The Work and Pensions Select Committee are seeking your views. The Work and Pensions Select Committee looks into the policies and spending of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

The DWP is currently looking at how benefits assessments can be improved, and the Work and Pensions Committee will be making recommendations to them about how to do this. 

They would like to hear from disabled people who have been through an ESA or PIP assessment to inform these recommendations.

The Chair of the Committee, Stephen Timms MP, has explained more on his Twitter account.

To see further information about the survey, including a list of questions, visit this page on the UK Parliament's website.

How can I share my views?

To complete the survey, complete this Microsoft Form

How long do I have?

The survey closes in mid-February 2022.

Make sure you share your views to help guide improvements to benefits assessments. If you have any trouble accessing the form, please let us know so that we can pass your feedback on.


  • Gemma30
    Gemma30 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi has any body Els not been paid the esa on before Thursday mine was supposed to be paid on Thursday but because of this jubilee I haven’t been paid so can anyone help on whether it would be going in 
  • Gemma30
    Gemma30 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi has anyone else not been paid the esa mine was supposed to be paid on Thursday but due to it being the jubilee I didn’t get it b4 so does anyone have a clue when it will be going in  
  • katiebabr
    katiebabr Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Mine never went in on 1st June instead of the 3rd june