Hi, my name is Olivercleverboy6! I'm confused over PIP paperwork

Olivercleverboy6 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
edited November 2021 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi I'm disprasic and dislesic,It's such a long story but pip sent myself my doughter pip review forms and mine by mistake I had no idea as lock down and no help anyway my money was stopped and 6munths on I have the pip consultasion I requested last week.i don't believe I have a decision in this paperwork But because of my information processing I just don't understand it at all can someone please help me understand what yes or no means and the ticks I'm quite frustrated after 3hours trying to understand thank you .


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @Olivercleverboy6 - & welcome to the community. This sounds like you have a copy of your assessor's report. As you've seen, there will be a tick for each activity/descriptor that is looked at with PIP. This shows the assessor's recommendation. Check this against the following link & you'll see how many points this means: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Global/Migrated_Documents/adviceguide/pip-9-table-of-activities-descriptors-and-points.pdf

    Add up the points for each part; the first is about some activities of daily living, the 2nd about mobility. You need 8 or more points for a standard award, & 12 or more points for enhanced.

    You still have to wait for your decision letter; the decision maker usually goes along with this recommendation, but not always.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I always find it easier to use the PIP self test to add up any recommended points in the report. Here..https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/pip-test This way you can look at the report and put the dots from that into the self test. At the end of the test it will add up any recommended points.
    Do also remember that the report is just a recommendation that makes up part of your evidence. The decision maker will look at everything before making their decision. Whilst they mostly go with the report, it has been known for them to go against it.

  • Olivercleverboy6
    Olivercleverboy6 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you migraine again due to trying to understand this report and stress of out come. So the ticks for the task I need to basically go to site and work out what there worth thanks again
  • Olivercleverboy6
    Olivercleverboy6 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Well I've falied on these points?Lots of misunderstanding s from phone interview. Completely misunderstood is the only way to be polite. It's down I'm Dyspraxia and Dyslexia with most people as I have to obtain so much help with my understanding of letters with my local hub mostly on a cupple of weeks basis and a support Worker from my houseing yet ticked I understand and read basic and complex written information yousing specticals or contact lenses ?what has that got to do with understanding Information?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You will need to wait for the decision, the report is a recommendation only. 
    Once the decision is made if you disagree you can request the Mandatory Reconsideration (MR) this is when a different decision maker will look at your claim again and make another decision.
    You mentioned one Activity here but there’s another 9 for daily living and 2 for mobility. You need at least 8 points for standard award and 12 for Enhanced. Mobility and daily living points are added separately. 
  • Olivercleverboy6
    Olivercleverboy6 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you for answering me ,Basically I've scored 6points from the ticks on this form. But as IV said the Information that I spoken about on telephone assment is completely different to what is written at the point and tick stage of her assment. To the point that her starting point of assment History up to observations contradicts most of her assment going through. Can you please explain what you mean that mobility Dailey liveing points added separately I don't understand this part? Also can you please explain to me at back of assment I have a tick for at least 3munths and a tick for at least9munths? Sorry its so long and you may have to decode and thank you for your time
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    There's 2 parts to PIP, daily living and mobility all the points are added for daily living seperate to mobility, i'm not sure how else to explain that.
    The ticks at the back means they agree that your conditions have been present for at least 3 months and expect them to last at least a further 9 months.
    During the assessment it's not their job to write down word for word what you said, if it was there would be no point in having the assessments in the first place. It's there for them to gather more evidence to write the report. When they do write it, it's their opinion based on everything you sent and what you said during the assessment.
  • Olivercleverboy6
    Olivercleverboy6 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you I totally appreciate what you have explained to myself. And I understand that part, But so much of my history part going to points to what she arsed of me example names my antidepressant tablets, but says we're stopped as only temporary, what she has done is read  something from 2018 .she stated this I told her that last 6munths I have been quite low leading to me visiting doctor in a bad way from there doctor put me on a higher dose and forward me to mental health Team from there I habe had lots of different mental health professionals contact me to see were they can help they say because there are such complex issues they're trying to find the right person s its to much for the mental health person s that have contacted me so far .and I explained I'm on a low dose because I don't want to be drowsy I have a 6year old boy one factor I've let my health go to this point. As I was frightened that being on medication and telling the doctors how I was really feeling whoud  have my son taken from me .as most of my depression is due to my grandchildren being removed from my daughter and  in reality my family I'm griveing children that are alive that's were it all got so bad 3years ago from what I've experienced before and after my loved grandchildren were  taken in petrified of the system. Panic attacks daily  I had one having the assment she says this but says for a minute it was on and off for at least 10,I used my technique s and carried on .thank you for your help
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    This is the very reason why asking for a copy of the report isn't always the best idea because it makes people even more anxious than they were to start with.
    Unfortunately, there's nothing more you can do until a decision's been made. Once it's made if you're not happy you can request the Mandatory Reconsideration.
  • Olivercleverboy6
    Olivercleverboy6 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you and you are completely correct in what you say about obtaining your report and making people more anxious