Terrified of PIP

Rach_P Community member Posts: 2 Listener
edited November 2021 in PIP, DLA, and AA
So I will be applying for PIP as soon as the paperwork comes through. I have anxiety and depression and injured shoulders, all of which really effect me, but I can sort of live on my own. I have done the 'test' a hundred times, depending on how they want to play it they could completely decline me or from my experiences, I should get the full daily with potential basic mobility. 

I am terrified of going through all of this, it's putting so much pressure, I've read story after story, watched video after video of how difficult it is. Should I really even bother if it's causing this much stress? Stress and anxiety makes my epilepsy worse!

Getting help is difficult enough for conditions, (I am still just "on the list" after some very serious mental health situations). My parents help me, but does that go against me?

Apparently it can literally be down to your assessor, how they are feeling that day and how many people they have granted. Apparently they have targets to decline people. 

Just what do I do? How should manage it? Do you think I should just bail as its making me worse?


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,394 Championing
    Hi @Rach_P -  & welcome to the community. Where to begin? I'm sorry, but doing a test, I presume about PIP, doesn't reliably tell you how you may get on; it depends on your input, & you may 'score' yourself both higher & lower than it might be.
    It may surprise you, but the majority of claimants are successfully awarded PIP. The trouble with the internet is that you see people who weren't successfully awarded as those who are rarely post; they don't ask questions as all went well for them.
    It's another internet myth that assessors have targets to decline people.
    Now, to the positive. PIP is about how you can reliably do certain activities/descriptors of daily living, & or those that relate to mobility. It's understanding these, & giving a couple of detailed individual examples that matters. You mention anxiety & depression, so perhaps this website may help: https://www.mentalhealthandmoneyadvice.org/en/welfare-benefits/pip-mental-health-guide/help-with-your-pip-claim/how-to-fill-in-the-pip-form/
    You also mention epilepsy, now I don't know how this affects you, but depending on the severity of your problems, whilst PIP is how you are the majority of the time, this isn't always the case as far as epilepsy goes.
    Your parents helping you won't go against you; PIP is about the help you need, even if you don't get it, again bearing in mind the PIP descriptors. So please do look at the descriptors, & see if they apply to you, if they do, then your couple of detailed examples should say when exactly did you attempt or do any applicable activity, where, what exactly happened, why, did anyone else see what happened, &, if applicable, how did it leave you feeling afterwards?
    Can you do an activity 'reliably,' not mentioned as such, but you will see this described at the end of the link above as safely, to an acceptable standard, repeatedly, & not taking you longer than someone without your disability, roughly speaking.
    It's up to you whether you claim PIP or not, but if you do, we have knowledgable members who will be happy to help.
  • Rach_P
    Rach_P Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    @chiarieds Oh my gosh, thank you so much for replying, genuinely just made me cry. Thank you so much for taking the time! Also that link you posted is way more detailed and will help both physically and mentally. 

    In regards to the epilepsy, it isn't 'bad' - I would never apply for PIP if it was just that, it's just the issues it has caused me and while it's not completely under control it just makes the physical situations worse - every seizure means it takes longer to heal and the anxiety worse, vicious circle really. 

    Either way, thank you so much, it's the 42% acceptance rate that scares me and you are right, people are more likely to shout about negative experiences. It's all a bit of a mess I will have an appointment with CAB to try and fill it in and I am already trying to gather as much 'evidence' as possible - even though it's constantly changing, hoping that slow and steady is more manageable. 

    So sorry for the massive message, thank you for being so kind and that link looks so helpful. 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,394 Championing
    You're very welcome @Rach_P - I realise the info on reliability is at the end of this link instead, sorry: https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/asset-library/Personal-Independence-Payment-Descriptors-and-Scores-April-2021.pdf     Do ask any questions once you've had a look through the links.  :)

  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    edited November 2021
    Hi @Rach_P and welcome to the community. I'm really glad to see that @chiarieds reply has been so helpful for you, and I hope you'll find @Username_removed just as helpful.

    It's very difficult to even think about beginning this process when you're feeling so stressed and anxious, so make sure you take time for yourself to think about different things, or do things you enjoy, just for a bit. It's amazing what a break for some self care can do!

    Have you been to see your GP about the impact that stress is having on your epilepsy, and your shoulders? They might be able to help manage any pain, and relax your body so it's holding less tension.

    I hope the responses from the community have helped reassure you but if you do need any extra information or support, just ask! On that note, I've moved this discussion into the PIP category so that it's easier to find.

  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited November 2021
    Am I misreading this? I read it as 53% of all claims resulted in an award (this includes new claims under normal rules, new claims under Special Rules and DLA to PIP transfers) and for normal rules claims an award was made in 42% of cases (which is where the 42% comes from).
    Award rates for all claims (excluding withdrawn cases) between April 2013 and July 2021 show that:
    • 42% receive an award for normal rules new claims
    • 71% receive an award for normal rules DLA reassessment claims
    • 99% of SRTI claimants are awarded PIP