No medical PIP assessment, claim straight to desicion maker?

Poselz_390 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
edited November 2021 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I am currently on standard rate PIP daily living for mental health.  I have applied for for enhanced rate due to further diagnosis and evidence from support workers 

It has been 6 weeks since they received my form so I rang to check on progress and was told it had went straight to desciom maker. 

Is this normal? Does it mean they are happy with my previous medical and the new evidence is enough to show my condition has worsened ? 

I've spoke to friends that have claimed and they have always had medicals? 

Thanks for any advice ? 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,485 Championing
    Sometimes a file is sent straight to decision makers before sending it to the health assessment providers. I've known a claim be with them for 11 weeks before deciding to send it to the health assessment providers.
    Paper based assessments are rare but definitely possible. All you can do really is wait. If an assessment is needed you'll be contacted in due course but it maybe quite a wait because backlogs are huge.
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hi @Poselz_390 and welcome, thanks for reaching out. I've moved your post into the PIP category so it can be more easily answered. 

    I have a feeling a wait might be on the cards as well. Have there been any changes to the payments you've received? Perhaps if there's no word in a week or two, you could give them a call and ask for an update on it's progress. You never know, the evidence might well be enough.

    Do let us know if you hear anything further, I hope it all goes smoothly for you! If you have any other questions in the meantime please do ask.

  • DuffersMum
    DuffersMum Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    My change of circumstances went straight to a DM and they upped my award...took about 9 weeks from submitting the form to the money being on my account, received decision letter later...I was expecting another assessment.

    Fingers crossed you get a paper based assessment. 
  • Poselz_390
    Poselz_390 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    No change in payment yet.  I initially applied in May, received forms and returned them but they said they never recieved them!  They sent me another set of forms that I never received, then a further set of forms to be returned by October!  So this has been on going for a while now.. My PIP is actually due this week so I will look out for an increase. 

    @DuffersMum that gives me a bit more confidence that this has happened to someone else.  They way the person on the phone explained it, it really didn't sound like I was getting a medical at all so I was nervous. 

    I will keep you all posted though 
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Thanks @Poselz_390 sounds like a real merry-go-round! Keeping fingers crossed for a positive outcome for you, and thanks again for keeping us posted. Once it's sorted it'll be a real weight off the shoulders :)
  • AimeeT
    AimeeT Community member Posts: 36 Listener
    My claim was assigned to a decision maker around 5 weeks ago, I received my text for an assessment about 2 weeks ago and had that today. So they do get passed onto the decision maker before going for assessment, I think its them who ultimately decide if you need an assessment or not. 

    That being said, my mum didn't have to have an assessment when she sent her forms back so it does happen