How to get back up support

Goldie79 Scope Member Posts: 3 Connected
My Husband who looks after me and our grown up autistic Daughter recently ended up
being taken into A&E he is improving now but it made us aware we have no back up plan. Our other Daughter lives in Nottingham an hour and a half away and I could not get to my doctors appointments and hand in sample for him and the reception and practice Nurse had no ideas to help us. How do people manage with little support system around them and how to go about building one? And to help my Hubby not struggle so much in future we would like to set up some help what have people found best? He could do with some help with housework etc and in emergency issues like we just had  any thoughts or information we would be grateful thanks


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    You should refer yourselves for a care needs assessment you can do this on the gov website 

    Ot from social services will come out and assess your needs for any care or aids or adaptions and then pass this report to relevant services 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    In an emergency situation if you inform the hospital when your husband attends a&e of any care issues they can do a fast track to emergency social care referral who respond within 24 hours 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Hi @Goldie79 :) I'm glad that your husband is recovering now, that must have been quite a fright.

    I also think that referring yourself for a social care needs assessment could be a good idea, as it might lead to you and your husband being able to access some further support at home. You can find out how to do that here on the NHS website. Is that something you'd feel comfortable doing?
  • Goldie79
    Goldie79 Scope Member Posts: 3 Connected
    Thank you both for getting back to me.. I'm not sure they can give us the help we need.. We live in an adapted flat. I don't need help with personal care I can do that myself. David cooks, housework takes us to appointments etc. We need someone who we could call to take us to appointments pick up prescriptions if he can't. I was thinking of perhaps getting a cleaner in to take some of the work off him as he has health issues himself. I was just wandering what others do I had heard of PA's but not sure how that gets set up. I can get an assessment set up if you think it would help. 
    many thanks again
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi again 

    As for prescriptions most pharmacies have delivery service so I would enquire at your pharmacy 

    Going to appt you can look at NHS transport service where ambulance or dedicated car picks up or drops off 

    Cleaning as suggested you could get a private cleaner 

    I would still refer for the needs assessment it's not all about personal care its any care needs you may require and letting you know what services could assist you