Disability and Thames water debt arrears

wasiflmc Online Community Member Posts: 18 Listener
edited December 2021 in Benefits and income
Hello everyone. Anyone know about the Thames water support who can clear my water bills which is getting more and more because of my condition I use a lot of hot tub bath 3 to 4 times a day because of my chronic fatigue muscles syndrome where medicine are not working properly and I have severe and constant body pain all the time which affected my sleep. Since two years my water balance adding up more and more I pay £40 a month since than but now have cap up on the bills but I cannot clear previous balance of £3000. Please guide me what options I got I have 3 kids and have low income . You suggestions will really helpful to support me . 


  • skhan95
    skhan95 Online Community Member Posts: 123 Connected
    Have you applied for water discount help from Thames water? If you are on low income they can give you 50% off check with them if you are eligible. 
    Thank u :)
  • wasiflmc
    wasiflmc Online Community Member Posts: 18 Listener
    I am off sick since 18 months and my wife doing part time job but I get full occupational sick pay with my disability benifit PIP. With my sickness pay and my wife pay total £24,00 per month . 
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
  • skhan95
    skhan95 Online Community Member Posts: 123 Connected
    They dnt include disability benefits so dnt worry about any of them just give them how much you earn …. I also get pip  they dnt include it call them and explain your situation and they will let u know same day if you are eligible or not :)
  • skhan95
    skhan95 Online Community Member Posts: 123 Connected
     Giving them call would be the best thing to do… recently I call them and explain how much I get and told Them about my disability benefit as well they will help you the best from my experience good luck 
  • skhan95
    skhan95 Online Community Member Posts: 123 Connected
    I was also thinking same but I found water discount help Form and I called and gave them all the details and now I’m paying half water bill 
  • anth22
    anth22 Online Community Member Posts: 234 Empowering
    Hi I'm with anglian water,they help their customer's I'm on a tariff where I get 80% off my water bills. They have been so helpful to me.
  • wasiflmc
    wasiflmc Online Community Member Posts: 18 Listener
    Thanks to all for every advice given to me .
  • TheAlien
    TheAlien Online Community Member Posts: 228 Empowering
    My water rates are collected by my landlord as part of my rent, but are separate in terms of housing benefit, so I'm not sure how I go about applying for a discount.  My landlord is the local authority.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    It looks as though you've already been given some good advice here, which is great @wasiflmc :) I was just wondering whether you may also be interested in accessing our free Disability Energy Support service, which can now also help you with water bills?
  • racyguy
    racyguy Online Community Member Posts: 560 Empowering
    anth22 said:
    Hi I'm with anglian water,they help their customer's I'm on a tariff where I get 80% off my water bills. They have been so helpful to me.
    Can't say that for my water supplier. They keep putting up the charge rate year on year for us to pay more even though we constantly get congratulated by them for reducing our usage.