Thank you

TerryH113 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
Thanks for the welcome messages  :) I am sure to work out how to respond to individuals eventually  :) but for now this will do  <3 I shall visit the coffee lounge @Globster thank you  :)  for those asked about the posted poem or just a general hello and welcome message here is a bit about me. I am a self published poet (Amazon) One book with 4 others pending (one day) At the start of the first lockdown I had a stroke, which put paid to my campaigning days, but prior to that a team of us were in discussions with ministers and the DWP regarding the unfair treatment for those with invisible illnesses like FM/CFS and associated illnesses, back in the days when things were normal. I have a couple of poetry pages on FB and post all manner of poems light and dark about my disabled life, depression, PTSD and every now and then a funny one, otherwise it gets boring  :) I wont flood the forum with poems, so don't worry I am here to learn and share what I know with the group  <3<3


  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Hi @TerryH113

    A warm welcome from me too. It is great to see you have joined us.

    To respond to people individually, in the section underneath a post which is called 'leave a comment' and provides a textbox for your message, just @ and then their name. Like I have done here with @TerryH113 :)

    Thanks for sharing some information with us about yourself. It is great to get to know you. It sounds like you are up to lots! All with a great cause too  :)
  • TerryH113
    TerryH113 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thank you for the guidance on posting comments  :D  Not into much at all these days since my stroke in January 2020, what with that and Covid it brought me to a standstill, I can no longer stand in Parliament or face off with the DWP because it took my voice  :'( I have recovered some of it but now have a stutter which gets worse as the day goes on  :( or if stressed  :/ but I can still type and happy to help anyone who needs it, I will still fight any way I can  :D<3  
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Hi @TerryH113

    I am really sorry to hear you had a stroke. It sounds really tough for you. How has your recovery been since having a stroke? Are you starting to gain some strength back yet?

    Have you managed to find ways to communicate without your voice? It sounds like you have lots of wonderful things to say and you can communicate without your voice.

    Your words of wisdom are too great to be missed.

    I am sure your support will be greatly received within our community.

    Keep fighting forwards and hopefully, you will keep gaining strength back  <3
  • TerryH113
    TerryH113 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    I was lucky with minor weakness on RH side, and balance issues when tired, my speech has improved tenfold and on good days I am usually understandable so I am told  :smiley: I was having home visits in the beginning but I had gone as far as I could at the time and then the pandemic began :'( add that to all my other ailments and progress has been slow, or more like I was hoping to run before I could walk as usual, and Covid didn't help, my poetry helps and I have covered many subjects with it to raise awareness, as I hold nothing back regarding our disabled lives and how we cope or not as the case might be, thank you for your kind words, and fighting is all I know so I take each day as it comes  <3