Backdated LCWRA?

Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 47 Connected
edited February 2022 in Universal Credit (UC)
Hi all, after about 6 months awaiting the dwp decision on my health assessment (they lost my file!) I have just today been awarded LCWRA my question is the three month period I keep hearing about, does that get backdated or does the money awarded start from the three month point or to put it different will I gey the full 6 months backdating or just three months, the letter they gave me is confusing? Thanks in advance 👍


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    edited February 2022
    Hi @Losingallhope thanks for reaching out, I'm glad you've been awarded LCWRA after that long wait! I've marked your post as unanswered so that our members can advise you more easily. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    There's a full 3 month assessment period waiting time and the extra money is paid from the 4th month of your claim.
    When it starts from will depend on what date exactly you reported your health condition and the dates of your assessment periods (or when you usually receive your money each month)
    The extra money is not paid at all during the waiting period.
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 47 Connected
    Hi Alex & thanks appreciate it 🤗
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 47 Connected
    Thanks Poppy, that's what I suspected, God forbid we actually get what we should! 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    However, if you're claiming UC with a partner that already claims the LCWRA element then you won't be entitled to any extra money because it's only paid once per claim.

  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 47 Connected
    That doesn't apply to me I'm single 😊
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I can tell you when it's paid from if you can tell me when you reported your health condition and the dates of your assessment periods (or what date you usually receive your money)
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 47 Connected
    Wow thank you, I notified them on 14th August 2021 & gave them a fit note on 23rd August 2021, I receive my money on the 20th of the month 
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 47 Connected
    I have a loan I received off them at the start of my claim back in April 2021 I'm still paying it off, will they deduct that from the money they owe me, it says in the letter they can but I thought I had a agreement to pay it off bit by bit as it states on the UC online portal? 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited February 2022
    Wow thank you, I notified them on 14th August 2021 & gave them a fit note on 23rd August 2021, I receive my money on the 20th of the month 
    Your monthly period is 14th to 13th of each month.
    Your reported health condition on the first day of the August to September period so your waiting period is Aug-Sept, Sept-Oct and Oct-Nov. The LCWRA is payable for Nov-Dec so you are owed the element for the December and January payments.

    I don’t think they should take back the outstanding advance payment from the arrears because, as you say, you have an agreed number of instalments for that.
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 47 Connected
    Brilliant thank you so much for your help, so am I to assume my February payment this month I  20th will also include the enhanced rate Jan-Feb on top of them two periods you mentioned? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    The LCWRA element should be included in your next payment, check your staement once it's produced. Any money owed is usually paid separately to your usually payment. First they need to recalculate your statements to see how much is owed. Once this is done you'll have a letter onto your journal telling you how much they owe you. Then it will be paid into your bank.
    It often takes a few weeks for them to do this.
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 47 Connected
    Ok great thanks, I didn't need to go for a medical at all xeither face to face or telephone/video chat, is that common? 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    Ok great thanks, I didn't need to go for a medical at all xeither face to face or telephone/video chat, is that common? 
    Not common (unless you are automatically entitled due to your health condition).
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 47 Connected
    Ah right, I have lymphoma cancer & a brian tumour which causes me chronic fatigue hence why I had to stop working. Well thank you so much again for your help you don't know how much I appreciate it, I've been waiting so long to receive this benefit & the just not knowing anything has been stressful you've clarified it all for me 😊
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited February 2022
    If you had the cancer page completed on the form then it is normal not to have an assessment because the law expressly states that cancer patients who are having, expected to have or recovering from radiotherapy or chemotherapy are automatically entitled to be treated as having LCWRA.

    if you are still receiving any earnings (SSP or occupational sick pay) the night you should have a Work Allowance applied which means the first £335 or £557 of the earnings are ignored (depending on whether you get the housing element or not).
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 47 Connected
    Ok but I'm not having treatement at the moment & not expecting to currently, my cancer is dormet at the moment 
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 47 Connected
    No I'm not receiving ssp anymore I'm on full UC, I'm on lower rate PIP mobility but I know that's irrelevant to my UC claim 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited February 2022
    Ok but I'm not having treatement at the moment & not expecting to currently, my cancer is dormet at the moment 
    Oh well, if the cancer page was completed they may have treated you as qualifying anyway.
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 47 Connected
    I did declare all my medical conditions but I didn't tick the box saying I'm in treatment but like you say I've been awarded that's all that matters 👍