UC Support group Review

em444 Community member Posts: 110 Connected
Morning All 
Hope everyone Is good, and keeping warm. Its a bit nippy out there !! 
I have GAD, and  due for review, but not until July. Just wondering if anyone has had a review, and what happens  ?
My award, was for 18 months, but already panicking, as health has deteriorated. Thanks for any help. EM444 


  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited February 2022
    At review you will be sent a new Work Capability Assessment questionnaire to complete following which there will be a further decision made. Give current backlogs your review may be delayed. You will continue to create as having LCWRA until a review has been completed.
  • em444
    em444 Community member Posts: 110 Connected
    Thank you very much, that has put my mind at rest, for now. Much appreciated, Im aware, Im not the easiest person to help. I get extremely anxious. Best wishes EM444 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    The award length is just a guide there is no fixed end date.  You will continue to get paid till a review and new decision takes place 

    They are concentrating on new claim backlogs rather than reviews 

    My own review is expected this month but I haven't had anything yet so hoping they leave me alone for a while yet 
  • em444
    em444 Community member Posts: 110 Connected
    Thanks Janer
    Apologies as I fell asleep, meds making me drowsy.
    But thanks ever so much for your help. Hope they leave you be, for a while longer. Take Care EM444