Returning to work after 3 months as self employed

Manudxp Online Community Member Posts: 68 Contributor
I stopped working in November 2021. I'm now starting back to work part-time and with in permitted work for ESA Support group. What should I do now? I can’t declare how many hiurs or what earnings as don't fully know yet plus it could change week on week.


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    You should inform ESA and complete a PW form.
    You must work for less than 16 hours/week and earn not more than £143/week to remain entitled to ESA.
    Permitted work: factsheet - GOV.UK (

  • Manudxp
    Manudxp Online Community Member Posts: 68 Contributor
    Thank you 
  • Manudxp
    Manudxp Online Community Member Posts: 68 Contributor
    Hi calcotti

    Could you advise how I submit my earnings if I get paid cash in hand for the clients I'll choose to be assigned by the company I'll affiliated with?

    I used to receive a payslip each month and was salaried so was straightforward. 

    Thank you 

    calcotti said:
    You should inform ESA and complete a PW form.
    You must work for less than 16 hours/week and earn not more than £143/week to remain entitled to ESA.
    Permitted work: factsheet - GOV.UK (

  • Manudxp
    Manudxp Online Community Member Posts: 68 Contributor
    calcotti said:
    You should inform ESA and complete a PW form.
    You must work for less than 16 hours/week and earn not more than £143/week to remain entitled to ESA.
    Permitted work: factsheet - GOV.UK (

    Hello again. 

    Am I right to assume I should send the PW form to my local Job Centre Plus?


    calcotti said:
    You should inform ESA and complete a PW form.
    You must work for less than 16 hours/week and earn not more than £143/week to remain entitled to ESA.
    Permitted work: factsheet - GOV.UK (

  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited February 2022
    Manudxp said: Am I right to assume I should send the PW form to my local Job Centre Plus?
    On the form, it says "post it to the address at the top of any ESA letters we have sent you".
    Manudxp said: Could you advise how I submit my earnings if I get paid cash in hand for the clients I'll choose to be assigned by the company I'll affiliated with?
    I have never been clear what reporting information ESA require. Normally I think they will expect to see your annual accounts as prepared for HMRC but obviously this doesn't apply when you are starting up.
  • Manudxp
    Manudxp Online Community Member Posts: 68 Contributor
    I've not worked self employed before. I think it best to call them tomorrow. They Don’t need to know if I've already started working again do they?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Manudxp said:
    I've not worked self employed before. I think it best to call them tomorrow. They Don’t need to know if I've already started working again do they?

    When you ring DWP, it's actually a call centre you ring, not DWP itself. They are not benefits advisors so i wouldn't advise you to ring them to ask for any such advice. You should get some expert advice, start here.
    Yes, they definitely need to know if you've already started working.

  • Manudxp
    Manudxp Online Community Member Posts: 68 Contributor
    Hey Poppy hru?
    Thank you but I'm not sure which from the drop down to choose.
    Welfare benefits etc.
    Thank you 

    poppy123456 said:
    Manudxp said:
    I've not worked self employed before. I think it best to call them tomorrow. They Don’t need to know if I've already started working again do they?

    When you ring DWP, it's actually a call centre you ring, not DWP itself. They are not benefits advisors so i wouldn't advise you to ring them to ask for any such advice. You should get some expert advice, start here.
    Yes, they definitely need to know if you've already started working.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    put your postcode in and choose the topic "welfare benefits"
  • Manudxp
    Manudxp Online Community Member Posts: 68 Contributor
    @poppy123456 Hi and thanks again.
    Do you know who I should be calling about returning to doing permitted work and getting help completing the PW form? Is it DWP or is it job centre plus. Apologies if this has already been asked.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    It's very striaght forward, just asks for your NI number, name and address, as you'll be self employed you'll need to tick that box when it asks this question.
    You can take the form to your local Job centre plus or you can ring ESA to ask them to send you the form.
    If you still can't fill it in yourself then you can ask an advice agency near you for some help. Start here.

  • Manudxp
    Manudxp Online Community Member Posts: 68 Contributor
    Marvellous @poppy123456 thank you