Retuning to work and ending SG ESA

Sarah_jayne22 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
Good morning.
I have been in the support group for ESA for 6 years. I have been constantly searching for suitable employment which could meet my needs and finally I have!  
I am open about my invisible disability with everyone, as I may need support. The current job I am applying for appears to be rather promising, upto now. I am rather wary Incase this does not work out, as this is a hugh leap of faith, but I am desperate to be back in work and part of "normal life". 
Can anyone offer any advice on how to cancel my ESA and where I would stand if the employment was different to be expected and I was unable to continue because of my physical situation?
I desperately want to return to work and this job role offers more support than any other I have viewed before.
I only receive SG ESA, no other benefits or support.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
