LCW ,LCWRA appeal. How long might the decision take?

pillar48 Community member Posts: 35 Connected
edited February 2022 in Universal Credit (UC)
HI..can anyone tell me how long a decision might take when you launch an appeal regarding being placed on LCW .


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    If it's the Mandatory Reconsideration you've requested then it's 2-12 weeks. If it's Tribunal then it's 11-16 weeks for the hearing, which you should attend. Paper based hearings for Tribunal have a very low success rate.
  • pillar48
    pillar48 Community member Posts: 35 Connected
    the problem with the tribunal would be because of my wifes condition she would not be able to attend..this would cause great distress, trauma..does her now getting pip and myself being her carer bolster our chances of winning an appeal
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    At the moment, hearings are still taking place through telephone. Whether this will change in the near future, i don't know.
    A PIP award makes no difference here and neither does being her carer. They will want her to speak for herself.
  • pillar48
    pillar48 Community member Posts: 35 Connected
    ok..she may speak for herself on the phone somewhat with myself representing her..but she will never sit before a bunch of strangers in an interview..on a side note have you heard of anyone being successful with a pip claim who has long covid
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    PIP isn't about a diagnosis, it's how those conditions affect you against the 12 activities.