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Very sheltered housing and wheelchair that's dangerous to use

Ashvinney Community member Posts: 161 Courageous
Hi need some advice .the very sheltered housing where I live it's giving me a temporary wheelchair where one side of the brake doesn't even work  there going  on about safety for me because of falling down I've already fell down and hurt my ankle due to the wheelchair that they've given me my OT doesn't want me using it until my new one comes from Mars the equipment centre in Aberdeen but if I don't use the wheelchair I'm going to be stuck in bed because I can't walk or put weight down on my legs I've spoken to the staff and put my views across that I'm not happy in the wheelchair and that is not safe to use they just don't seem bothered about the fact that they put me in a wheelchair that doesn't.   work sorry for the rant I just wanted to know there's anything I can do,  or someone I could talk to because the place where I live ,  just don't seem to give a damn


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,562 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @Ashvinney I'm sorry to hear the temporary wheelchair you're using doesn't have fully working brakes, that's very frustrating. What exactly happened when you let staff know about this?

    They may not be able to offer an alternative temporary chair for you, but I wonder if anyone could replace the broken brake, or have a look at fixing it for you. 

    Can you tell me what date you're due to receive a new chair from the equipment centre? 
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  • Ashvinney
    Ashvinney Community member Posts: 161 Courageous
    The staff member here just said they don't have replacement  and that I well have to use it or be bedridden till me new one comes my ot going to ring the Mars equipment sent me Aberdeen today to see how long the new chairs going to take to come I haven't been given a date as yet but she's going to try put it forward as quick as she can because of his chair that they've given me , 
  • Ashvinney
    Ashvinney Community member Posts: 161 Courageous
    edited March 2022
    They had taken my measurements from the OT  last week as she all ready had them from sorting out reclining lifting chair for me , and Mars as  said that there  send the wheelchair over but they never did give a date so hopefully when she rings up this week she might be able to get something sorted out sooner
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,562 Disability Gamechanger
    edited March 2022
    I'm glad your OT is chasing up the new chair for you, that's good to know :)

    It seems rather unhelpful that they aren't able to offer to fix the break for you in the meantime. I know it's not the level of independence you're after at the moment, and I'm sorry I can't do more to help.

    I remember you mentioning a gutter frame, you'll have to remind me, do you have a useable one at the moment to help you move about at home, or is that also on the way?
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  • Ashvinney
    Ashvinney Community member Posts: 161 Courageous
    Use my one was broken after years of using it my physiotherapist is trying to sort one out now I've not heard anything from him as yet so hopefully that will be soon too 
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