Thoracic back pain

LaurenV94 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
Hi all, I am looking looking help as I'm really struggling mentally and physically. I've had back pain which radiates into my right ribs and round to my abdomen more on than off over the last 6 months. The pain is like a burning inflamed band just under where my bra strap goes and then down right side. I've had abdominal ultrasound, endoscopy, blood tests, CT scan and all show nothing. However, over the last week I know have a constant ache and lile a squeezing pain in my spine in the thoracic region. I'm currently having physio although only on my second visit, I've had sports massages which didn't help. I've tried naproxen and strongest Co codamol but nothing but constant hot water bottle helps. I can't sleep on a night because of the uncomfortable pain. Ive been referred for an MRI and waiting for this appointment. Please can anyone help 🙏


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,643 Championing
    Hi @LaurenV94 welcome to the forum, sorry that your going through so much at the moment  unfortunately we can't offer medical advice, your best option is to get results from MRI, hopefully that will give you some insight into what is going on.
    Ask your gp for pain relief  options if what you taking is not helping. 
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello there @LaurenV94 I'm sorry to hear about the pain you've been experiencing lately, it must feel so disruptive.

    It sounds as though you've been working with your GP and physio's to help ease the pain, and to figure out what the cause is, hopefully you won't have too long a wait until your MRI scan. It's good that heat is helping, it's a great way to relax muscles. 

    I don't think we can advise you directly on methods of pain relief, as none of us are medical professionals, but I know that one of the best strategies I use to manage pain and fatigue is to not dwell on it too much. I know it's easier said than done, because back injuries especially take a long time to feel better, but it helps to distract yourself if you can. 

    It's easy to get stuck in a cycle of feeling down about the pain, but if you can focus or concentrate on something else entirely, it does make a difference to the severity of the pain you feel. If it's feeling overwhelming then the best thing to do is explain that clearly to your GP, and they should be able to help you settle on a pain management plan.

    I'm sorry I can't be of more practical help, and I hope the community can help provide a listening ear for you. Please do keep us updated with how you get on, and ask us if you need anything.

  • Alexander13
    Alexander13 Online Community Member Posts: 52 Connected
    Hi there I have that same issue. It’s starts in the middle of spine and radiates out and up back then around the front. 

    I have osteophytes at several levels of the thoratic and also a disc bulge. When I have a flare it’s normally after sitting on a desk chair or driving and about 20-30 minute it seems something compresses. 

    I have done a lot of research and it’s a symptom associated with anklosing spondylitis and / or Psoriasis Arthritis( this is what Rhumatoidologist thinks I have)

    Rest and lidocaine plasters give me some relief. Also lean over a chair arched to release compressed nerve/disc. 

    I had a CT Scan of all internal organs as it was similar to gallbladder pain as they could only do a partial removal but all clear. 

    MRI is the right scan to diagnose thoratic issues

    good luck. 
  • LaurenV94
    LaurenV94 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi, thank you all I will keep you posted. I am only 27 so this is really knocking me down but I will try to stay positive along I do find it very hard.
  • Alexander13
    Alexander13 Online Community Member Posts: 52 Connected
    It must be tough I am 53 and find it terrible. One thing to look into though is spinal and disc surgery which is an option so there is hope. Mine is affected at cervical, thoratic and Lumbar and isn’t an option for me sadly. 
  • LaurenV94
    LaurenV94 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thank you Alexander. Fingers crossed! I hope your pain eases too 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Morning @LaurenV94 welcome to the group. 
    Sorry to hear your not in a good place at the moment, with your pain.
    It's not nice to have problems like this at your age, i know i was diagnosed with some of my conditions when i was 30. it was a bit of a shock - but i feel half the battle is knowing whats wrong.
    You are on the best road, wait till you've had your mri then you will know what your dealing with and can move forward with any treatments. Hoping you don't have long to wait 
  • LaurenV94
    LaurenV94 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi Sue, thank you. I've had my MRI earlier today and should receive results on Thursday. You are right, half the battle is knowing what it is. Fingers crossed 
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello again @LaurenV94 glad to hear it's not too long to wait for the results of your MRI, how did you find it?

    Hopefully you can have a more relaxing afternoon and evening now :)
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Hi @LaurenV94 so glad to hear you've had your mri - is this the first time you've had one, some people don't like the noise etc.
    Now don't worry if you do not get the results back next week - sometimes they can take a little longer.
    Keep us up dated please.
  • LaurenV94
    LaurenV94 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hello all, my anxiety and worry has gotten worse as my physio said I have a cyst on my spine and I felt the lump today for the first time. I can't handle how I worry and anxiety it really affects me but I'm trying my best to stay positive. I had the scan private and they said they send me and my physio the results so hoping that they will know if anything is wrong or whether I need to speak to someone else. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  • Alexander13
    Alexander13 Online Community Member Posts: 52 Connected
    Fingers crossed and even IF there is a lump try not to worry. There are many other things it can be than the worst imaginable but that’s where our mind takes us.  Take care and await the results. 
  • LaurenV94
    LaurenV94 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thank you all. I have been emailed by results but I just think they are the images and j can't access them anyway. Hoping to get an appointment with my Physio tomorrow if not it will ne Thursday but also wondering if I should contact my GP as well, I think I will ring them tomorrow too.
  • Alexander13
    Alexander13 Online Community Member Posts: 52 Connected
    edited March 2022
    Contact your GP as you need piece of mind and the lump could well
    be something different. When you get the images, there is normally a report that has been done by someone that reads MRIs